I needed to get to Dani. I needed to go get her. I needed to get her somewhere safe before I eliminated my father for good. Because if my father got to her first, he would do something worse than kill her. He’d torture her. He’d rape her. Damn it, he might even ship her off somewhere. I knew the kinds of things my father had his hands in. He could make anyone take their own life if he dangled the right thing in front of them. I clicked the alarm button for the car. I saw the lights and heard the horn through the woods that surrounded the warehouse and took off, ignoring the pain in my head as I lunged for the car.

I wasn’t going to let anything happen to Dani.

Even if I had to kill my own father myself.



What in the world were you thinking!?

My mother’s voice chastised me as I raced down the road. I skidded around corners and sat anxiously at red lights, debating on whether or not to run them. It was dark. The night sky taunted me every time the lights turned green. And once they did, I raced off into the darkness as it rushed by me.

What the hell is wrong with you? Where’s your sense?

My father’s voice made me wince. I had no idea what in the world he’d say to me once we spoke, but it wouldn’t be good. It never was. My father would condemn him. He’d tell me I was no longer allowed to see Max. Hell, he’d probably pull me out of school and refuse to pay for my education if I didn’t do as he asked. It wouldn't work, though. My father would eventually get a very stern piece of my mind. Just like Hannah had.

I forbid you to see him. Do you hear me?

“No one can forbid me to do anything,” I murmured.

I gripped the steering wheel as the bar came into view. I pressed down onto the gas, shoving my parents’ voices out of my head. I didn’t want to focus on how my father would berate me. How my mother would probably start crying. How they’d both ask me what in the world I was thinking and what kind of person I had turned into. I forgot about it all. I let it all slip away as my tires skidded into the parking lot. It took all the focus I had to keep control of my SUV as I careened into the handicap spaces.

“Max!” I exclaimed.

I shoved my car door open and turned off the engine. I gripped my keys and made sure I had my phone on me before I leapt out of the car. I had to find him. At the very least, I had to find Rupert. And if he was gathering up the guys, this is where they’d be.


I slammed my car door behind me and my keys dropped from my hand. I grumbled to myself as I picked them up, trying to figure out where I’d go next. This place practically looked deserted. For a biker bar, it was empty of bikes. Hell, it didn’t even look like anyone was here.

Was anyone here?

“Rupert? John? Max!?”

I stood up and caught my reflection in the mirror. My worried, sweating, haggard reflection. I shoved my keys into my pocket and drew in a few deep breaths. I wasn't going to find Max in the disheveled condition I was in.

I had to be calm so I could think straight.

Check the bar. Check around back. Head to his house.

I’d break into the damn place if it meant finding something I needed.

Suddenly, a shadow cloaked me. A figure appeared behind me in the reflection of the window and I drew in a deep breath. I let out a scream before the man grabbed me. He pulled me away from my car, causing my feet to stumble over themselves.

“Help!” I roared.

The man clamped his hand over my mouth. “You won’t need help where you’re going.”

My arms flailed. “Let me go.”

My words were muffled as I breathed raggedly through my nose.

“Not another sound,” he whispered into my ear. “You’re coming with me without a fight, or he dies.”

I froze. This person was talking about Max. His grip grew tighter and I stopped struggling. I fought the urge to keep screaming. I felt the man’s free hand running down my side and I trembled with fear. I felt his hand slip into my pocket and I grimaced at the way his touch felt. He plucked my keys out of my pocket and dangled them in front of me. With a chuckle, they disappeared. And I prayed that he didn’t do the same thing with my phone.

“Now, come on. In you go.”