y different league of his own. I was in the ‘good girl’ league. I was the person that did as my parents told me to do, never questioned what was right for me, and never stepped out of the lines.

Max was the poster boy for ‘opposite.’

“Doesn’t matter anyway,” I murmured to myself.

I mean, there were a plethora of reasons why Max and I couldn’t work together. One, I was much too busy with my studies to go galavanting off on the back of his bike. Two? My father would never approve. Like, absolutely never in the history of ever. Three, I was a virgin. Therefore, I’d never be able to give a man like Max what he really wanted. And even if I could? That was probably the only thing Max was after with any given woman, and I deserved more than that.

So stop thinking about him. Go get lunch and focus on schoolwork.

I headed for the cafeteria, but the sound of a motorcycle in the distance caught my ear. I stopped in my tracks, almost getting run over by a crowd behind me, and my head started swiveling. Where was that revving coming from? Where was the bike? Was it Max? Was he on campus again?

You’re in trouble, Dani.

The sound of the engine stopped and I shook my head. I needed to rip myself out of his trance. No. Max was scary. Intimidating. I had no business even thinking about a guy like that. My feet carried me as quickly as I could walk. And by the time I got to the cafeteria doors, I was in a full sprint. I panted for air as I ripped the door open, making my way to Hannah.

To engage in our daily lunch ritual.

“Hey there, girlie. How was class?”

Hannah’s voice crooned next to me as I stepped into the lunch line.

“Ah, boring. As usual. But my classes are easy this semester.”

She snickered. “Lucky you. I’m already dying in my math class. I hate math. Are you taking math this semester?”

I shook my head. “Got all my math courses knocked out last year for that reason. Math isn’t something I want to drag out.”

“Ugh, I should’ve done that. I did that with my history and science courses. Why do they make us take required courses like that? It only distracts from the classes I should be taking for my degree.”

“Did you declare your degree this year?”

She scoffed. “Why, Dani, I’m thoroughly offended.”

I grinned. “So, no on that degree declaration still.”

She rolled her eyes. “I don't know what the big rush is.”

I walked through the line and decided on breakfast for lunch. I mean, breakfast was acceptable at any time during the day. But especially at lunch. Hannah stood behind me at the panini bar, getting herself a hot sandwich to go with her soup. I took the liberty of getting our drinks and finding us a place to sit. Preferably by a window.

I enjoyed a nice view.

“Oh, thanks, girl. This diet?” Hannah asked.

I was still staring out the window when she sat down. Wondering if that bike I’d heard earlier would come cruising by.

“Hello? Earth to Dani?”

I blinked. “Yeah, sorry. Uh, yes. Yes. It’s diet.”

She furrowed her brow. “You okay?”

I picked up my fork. “Just drained from the week. You know, getting back into the groove and all.”

“Well, you will be happy to know there’s a party going on in the dorm beside us. Might be a nice way to wind down on a Friday night.”

“That might be how you want to wind down. But what I want to do is order pizza, get into my comfy pajamas, and pass out after stuffing my face.”

She pointed her spoon at me. “Now that’s a plan I can get behind.”