She loosened the scarf around her neck. “Well. Uh. This is… not what I expected.”

I heard the nerves in her voice, and it made me chuckle.

“This is my clubhouse.”

She blinked. “Your what?”

“My clubhouse. This is where my crew and I socialize. And I want you to see what it’s like being me.”

The sweetest smile tugged at her lips. “Really?”

I shrugged. “We’re here, aren’t we?”

She slid off my bike. “Well, okay then. I’m honored. But you’re sure I’m not going to stick out like a sore thumb in a place like this?”

I chuckled. “Oh, you’re definitely going to stick out, Daddy’s girl. But that’s all right. I don’t date women who blend in anyway.”

She tucked her helmet under her arm. “Date, huh? And here I thought you were scared of the word.”

I smiled. “Guess even I can surprise.”

I held my arm out for her to get in front of me, and together, we started into the place. The club had bought this ratty, rundown pub years ago. Closed it to the public, mostly. Except for a few occasions where the squirrliest of individuals came out and filled our registers with their blood money. But for the most part, this place was privately owned by the Red Thorns. Specifically, by whoever the president was at the time.

My father had owned it when he ran this crew. It was then passed to my brother when he took over. And once I stepped up to the plate, it was transferred to me.

I owned this cigarette-smoke filled dump now.

With my hand on Dani’s lower back, I escorted her through the fully-tinted glass door. When I walked through the entrance, a chorus of voices rang out my name.


“Maxy-boy! The hell have you been!?”

“Max! What’s shakin’? The fuck you got going on lately?”

“Long time no see, asshole. How ya doin’, Max?”

And when I looked down at Dani, I saw her lips curled up into a full-blown smile.

“Looks like you’re popular,” she yelled up at me.

I winked. “Comes with the territory.”

Dani tucked herself close to my side, so I took the liberty of wrapping my arm around her shoulders. Signaling to all the men staring at her that she was already spoken for. I didn’t mind, either. She fit nicely at my side. The perfect height for me to rest my arm around as we fell in step with one another. Left foot. Right foot. Left, then right. All the way up to the bar, with all eyes on us.

“Whatcha havin’?” the bartender asked.

I looked down at Dani. “Well?”

She licked her lips. “Um, do you have something that isn’t beer?”

The bartender quirked an eyebrow. “Seriously?”

I glared at him. “Answer her question.”

The man sighed. “We got cider and Coke. Some vodka, too.”

Dani nodded. “Got any rum?”