I held my hands up in mock surrender. “I swear, I’m innocent!”

She charged me until my back fell against the wall. “You tell me right now who it is. You’re a terrible liar. Who is he? What’s he like? And why in the world did you go shopping without me?”

“You really think this outfit looks good?”

Hannah quickly stepped back and pulled me with her. With her hands holding mine, she turned me around, watching how my blouse fluttered. She released my hands and twirled her finger around, signaling for me to spin for her. With my arms out while I held my breath, I did as she asked.

My eyes found hers. “I feel like it might be a little too much. Like maybe I’m trying too hard?”

Hannah bit her lower lip. “You doing anything with your hair?”

“I… was just going to leave it down.”

“That doesn’t really work with a coat like that. It’s going to get trapped underneath the collar and it’s going to be a mess. Rule of thumb for a date: if the top or your coat has a collar, your hair is better off up. Come here, I’ve got a great style that would--”

“It’s not the collar or anything. It’s the helmet.”

I blurted out the words before I could stop myself. And that caught my roommate’s attention.

“I’m sorry, did you just say ‘helmet’?”

Dang it. “I… uh…”

She narrowed her eyes. “Dani?”


“Who are you going on a date with tonight?”

I shrugged. “Just a guy.”

She wagged her finger at me. “Nuh-uh. That’s not gonna fly. You just said ‘helmet.’”

“I just meant--”

“And you’re wearing a leather jacket.”

“Fall is coming quickly. It’s getting cold.”

Hannah gasped again and I knew I was sunk.

“Are you going out with him?” she squealed.

I winced at the high-pitched sound. “Who?”

“Oh, don’t you dare, Danika. Don’t you even try. You know exactly who I’m talking about.”

“Hannah, don’t freak out.”

“Oh, my God! You are! Mr. Sexy Leather Biker Baddie! You’re going out on a date with him! I didn’t even know you two were talking. How in the world have you been keeping this from me? I feel so hurt. I thought we were friends. When is he supposed to be here?”

I blinked. “Don’t call him that, please.”

“So is that who you’re going on a date with?”


“You have to say it.”