
Max and I were going out on a date. A true, bonafide date. Not my first date, but it might as well have been. I was nervous, but in a good way. Adrenaline coursed through my veins as I tried to figure out what kind of shoes to wear with this outfit.

I didn’t seem to have any that looked right, though.

I reached for my phone and turned on the screen. Crap. Max would be here in less than ten minutes. I had no idea where we were going, so I hoped I had nailed the look for the night. If I could just find some shoes that weren’t my darn tennis shoes. Eight o’clock was looming. I knew I’d hear the sound of his bike outside any minute.

“What are you wearing?”

Hannah’s voice stilled me as I whipped around, seeing her standing in the doorway.

“Hey! How were classes today?” I asked.

She quirked an eyebrow. “I’ve never seen that outfit before.”

I looked down. “Uh, yeah. It’s new. Just trying out some different things.”

“I like it. It suits you.”

I snickered. “Yeah. Much better than the black T-shirt I had on earlier. It feels more… me.”

She furrowed her brow. “Uh huh.”

I paused. “What?”

My roommate walked into our room and I took a step back. Uh oh. She had that look on her face. She knew something was up. She knew I wasn’t telling her the whole truth. I felt myself panicking. What in the world was I supposed to do to get out of this situation?

“You have new jeans,” she said.

I nodded. “Yep.”

“And a new jacket.”


“Is that a new top, too?”

I snickered. “Something Mom snuck into my clothing bag after Labor Day. I found it after unpacking all my stuff.”

She licked her lips. “You look great, Dani.”

My eyebrows rose. “Really?”

She nodded. “Yeah. You look hot. I mean, I’ve never--I didn’t know you could pull off edgy.”


“Yeah. I mean, look at you! Rockin’ the leather coat. The tight jeans. Wait--is that eyeliner you have on?”

I paused. “I might have borrowed it from you. But don’t worry, I didn’t use much at all. And I washed the brush before--”

Her gasp cut me off as she pointed at me.

“You’re going on a date!”

My jaw fell open. “I--you--what?”

She pointed at me. “Danika Young, you’re going on a date and you didn’t tell me about it!”