I scooped my leather jacket off the floor and handed it to her. She eyed it carefully before taking it and quickly wrapping it around her body. I turned my back to her and jammed my hand down my pants. As much as I wanted to make this girl orgasm until she begged for mercy, I couldn't do that without her permission. And I sure as hell couldn't do that when she was

so uncomfortable with the situation.

Fucking idiot. I’m a fucking idiot.

With a heavy sigh, I turned around and crawled onto the bed. Dani had scooted herself up until her back sat against the wall. Her feet were tucked under the covers and her knees were still up to her chest. And with my leather jacket draped over her body, I couldn't see a damn part of the beauty I had successfully uncovered.

A shame, really.

“Whenever you're ready,” I said.

I slipped underneath the covers and folded my arms over my chest. I peered over at her, waiting for her to say whatever it was she had to say.

“If you know, why say anything anyway?”

I shrugged. “Because it looks like you need to say it.”

She snickered. “Why bring me here if you know?”

Her eyes slowly panned up to mine and I grinned.

“Simple. You’re hot. I’m drawn to you. Your kisses turned me on. Figured this was a nice setup, especially with my brother not being around.”

She nodded. “So that’s all this was? Just… to have sex?”

“Would it bother you if I said yes?”

She paused. “I’m not sure.”

“Would it make you uncomfortable to lay down with me?”

“Might not be comfortable in this leather jacket.”

“Then take it off.”

She swallowed hard. “Then I’ll be--”

“--covered by your bra, Dani. Which I won’t touch unless you want me to.”


I nodded. “You have my word.”

She quickly tossed my leather jacket off the side of the bed and hunkered down beneath the comforter. Watching her dark hair splay across my pillow made my heart skip a beat. The confident woman I’d brought to my house had given way to the self-conscious girl I always found on campus. And I wasn’t sure how to draw that confidence back out again. My cock still wanted to bury itself inside her. My gut churned with a need to taste what was between her legs. And my head? Well, it wasn’t thinking straight.

Because the only thing it told me to do was pin her down and take what was mine.

“Max, I’m sorry. It’s just--”

I shook my head. “Don’t apologize.”

She paused. “What?”

“I said don’t apologize. If you do something, mean it.”

“But I know you’re--”

“Fuck me, Dani.”