I pulled my helmet off. “Is this your place?”

He shrugged. “Mine and my brother’s place, but yeah.”

“You have a brother?”

He pulled his helmet off. “You coming or what, Bambi?”

I grinned. “Oh, I’m coming all right. Just let me get… off… ugh.”

His hands fell to my waist and he practically picked me up off the bike. He set me down onto my feet before taking my helmet from me. Then I watched him hang both of the helmets on either side of his handlebars. Mine was slightly smaller than his. I liked the way they looked side by side on his bike. His hand fell to my lower back and he guided me to the front door. The blood red door that matched the shutters.

Once I got inside, I couldn't keep my shocked gasp inside any longer.

“What? Did you think I’d live in a dump?”

My eyes took in the vaulted foyer ceiling. “I don’t know what I expected. But it wasn’t this.”

“Nicer than you expected?”

I didn’t want to answer his question because I didn’t want to seem mean.

“Eh, it’s fine. This is the house I grew up in, actually. Sits on seven acres, got a lake on it if you ride far back enough into the backyard.”

I turned to face him. “Maybe we could go see it?”

He grinned. “Sure, sometime.”

I nodded. “So is your brother around? I’d like to meet him, if that’s okay.”

“John’s not here right now. Just the two of us.”

Butterflies erupted in my stomach. They flew around, fluttering so hard I thought I’d take off toward the vaulted ceiling. I swallowed hard as nervousness crept up my back. Did he bring me here to--?

“Breathe, Bambi. Don’t forget to breathe.”

I drew in a broken breath. “Sorry. Yeah. I--yeah. Yes. Okay.”

His smiled at me like a hungry beast. “You didn’t think you’d be able to get away with looking that hot today without me needing you, did you?”

I blinked. “I… I--it--”

He walked toward me. “And those kisses. So soft against my cheek. Did you know what you were doing? Or did that simply come natural to you?”

My back fell against the front door. “I--well, it--”

His hand fell beside my head. “Use your words, Daddy’s girl.”

I licked my lips. “Please, call me Dani.”

His other hand came down against the other side of my head. His eyes held mine. And as his hot breath pulsed against my lips, I wanted to lean forward and kiss him.

“Okay, Dani.”

I should’ve been scared. But I wasn’t. Not of Max, anyway. The look in his eye seemed carnal. I’d never had a man look at me like that before. It was intoxicating. The feral growl falling from his lips. The way his breath tasted good. How was that possible? For breath to taste like something? My eyes danced between his. My elbows tingled and my knees grew weak. His nose nuzzled softly against mine, and I knew he was waiting for me to speak. Or move. Or do something.

I knew he didn’t want to move until I did.
