I dismissed the staff as soon as I walked through the door and made a beeline for the shower. Shoving off my clothes, I hopped in and let the scorching hot water pour over me. It didn’t do a damn thing to slake my lust, but it did make my blood boil hotter, made the tension in my cock even more demanding. I grabbed some lotion from the side shelf and spread it out over my hands. Lathering it up, I grabbed onto my dick with my right hand, smoothing over my shaft in quick, deliberate motions. I’d been denying myself all day, and as much as I wanted to take time with this, to imagine making love to Iris Kilshimer with the care and delicacy she deserved, I was a realist. I knew when I was going to be fast, when there was too much I had to struggle to hold back.

My left hand cupped my balls, rolling them between my thumb and forefinger, and I started thrusting my hips into my right hand, fucking myself as much as stroking the shaft. Her lips had been pillowy and soft. They’d feel like fucking heaven wrapped around my cock. I knew that. I’d wrap my hands through her soft, wavy hair and stare down into those chocolate brown eyes that would just beg me for more. She’d take me in deep, swallowing me up to the hilt, and I’d make her take all of it, want to fuck her down to her throat. Let her take all of me, if she could.

She’d mewl, the softest, neediest sounds escaping her lips.

And I’d keep thrusting just as I was now. Closing my eyes, I fell deeply into my fantasy—the hint of lavender between us, the tightness in my balls as I held everything back before I came, and the soft silkiness of her tongue against my dick.

My legs felt like they were buckling beneath me, and maybe they bloody well were. Who could tell? I was fucked. That was for sure, since the first woman to move me in ages was also my best friend’s daughter. She was supposed to be off limits, yet here I was imagining the look on her face when I came down her throat. Speaking of coming, I pumped harder into my hand, a frantic, animalistic energy driving me forward. In my mind’s eye, it was her mouth I was fucking, her throat swallowing up my thick, heavy dick with equal measures of skill and appreciation. It was her tongue teasing my sensitive head and not my woefully inept fingers. It was her eyes that would beg me on and not the blankness of the tile beside me.

I came then, thinking of those chocolate brown eyes. I shot a stream of cum into the corner of the shower, one so long that it never seemed to stop. I yelled then, a long, loud curse ringing out through the quiet penthouse. Electricity raked over my body as my nerves sizzled and snapped. Stumbling forward, I had to grip onto the wall of the shower to keep my equilibrium.

Moments later, I was still gasping for breath and trying to trust my legs again.

“Dear God, lass, what have you done to me?”

Chapter Three


“You can’t be serious, can you?” Allison said.

The surprise was clear in her voice as she raked her fingers through her dark pixie cut. She’d had her hair in dreadlocks for the last year at school but had gone drastic with her new ‘do. I liked it; the shorter look definitely screamed out about Allison’s quirky nature. She was a great friend, but sometimes I had to admit that she seemed more like she should be in the journalism program at Trinity University than the business school. She was as intense as they came, and she never seemed to settle for half-truths or hidden details. It was good to have someone that honest in your life.


Maybe not when you were exhausted from the biggest blooper of your life and also trying to figure out the weird vibes with your boss. I had no idea what had happened today. I was glad that I hadn’t gotten fired and that, as far as I could tell, Mr. O’Brien hadn’t placed a disappointed call home to my father. Oh, trust me, if someone had brought shame onto Seth Kilshimer, they’d hear about it. God knew I spent enough time being lectured on how I had to be perfect in business school here so I’d be ready to take over the family real estate ventures back home. It was all I really felt most of the time, that pressure from my parents. Well, mostly from my dad.

Still, everything had felt so weird.

Mr. O’Brien had been angry at first and then just not…

He’d been downright sweet, offering to

walk me to the nurses’ room himself and letting me get lunch on him. In the end, I’d been too nervous it was some kind of trick, so I’d just opted for a salad. However, I couldn’t explain any of it, not the one-eighty in his attitude and certainly not the tender way he’d stroked my cheek. I was his intern, nothing more. It just hadn’t felt like it in his office.

That’s what a stupid girl thinks, someone who loses her head and sees something not actually there.

I swallowed, pushed all those thoughts away, and took a deep sip of my cosmo.

“Seriously,” Allison pressed even as the club’s laser lights made her dark skin seem almost black. “You fell on your butt?”

“I fell to my knees,” I corrected. Then I thought better of it. “Okay, not that it’s much better. I might have been a complete mess.”

“No, go back to the bit where he’s cleaning off your knee and stroking your cheek like some total Romeo and Juliet shite,” she said.

“It’s not Romeo anything. Mr. O’Brien isn’t that much younger than my dad. I mean, they went to an MBA program at Harvard together.”

“But a connection!” Allison chimed back, spinning that little pink umbrella from her tropical drink in her hand. “That’s the craziest thing, right? You have this electric moment in a room, this Earth-shaking moment.”

“I did not use the phrase ‘Earth-shaking.’”

“But you did say you felt like you were gonna fall over. That’s swooning. You totally were swooning for him, but it’s not meant to be because of who your families are. If that isn’t Romeo and Juliet in a nutshell, then I don’t know what is.”

“And they got poisoned and stabbed by the end of the play.” I fished a maraschino cherry from my drink and popped it into my mouth. “It’s stupid. I had to be reading more into what happened than, you know, what was actually going on. It was a crazy moment of gratitude not to be fired. Anything else sounds like I’m some sad little girl wishing for more.”

“First of all, you’re a shrewd businesswoman already and a good judge of character. If you think there was a moment, Iris, then there was a moment. Second, maybe there was another reason besides a favor to your dad that Mr. O’Brien let you on at the company.”

I blew a long, black section of hair out of my eyes. “Maybe, but I already have one strike against me because everyone sees my last name and knows who my dad is, even across the pond. I want people to take me seriously. Okay, so nepotism helps get me in the door, but I want to prove myself. Even if there’s some fleeting attraction thing with Mr. O’Brien, well, no one is ever going to take me seriously if I’m just Callum O’Brien’s newest plaything. You have to agree with me there.”