I squeeze her hand gently and then walk over to my father and brother. I know what they want. They want to go over my speech again, and they want to make sure I mention the family business, as if I’d ever forget.

I need to make this quick. I need to tell her not to go.



After I stop fangirling over Reginald and his associates and promise to audition for his next show, I recognize the couple Dante and I went to the theater with, and LeeAnn gestures me over. I take a seat next to her after hugging first her, then John, and we talk for a while about the show.

“I hope we’ll get to do that again,” LeeAnn says, and I plaster a smile to my face.

“That would be lovely.”

“Make sure you tell Dante how much we enjoyed that,” LeeAnn says, and I nod. She must see something in my expression, because her own manner becomes more subdued. “You are still seeing him, aren’t you?”

I shrug. “I’m moving to L.A. soon. Family and work issues.”

She looks crestfallen. “But you’ll still be around, right?”

“I don’t think so,” I say quietly. I say it, still with hope burning in my heart that he’ll ask me to keep seeing him, not with money or contracts between us, but as a couple, as two people who have grown to care for each other. “But you never know,” I hear myself add, and LeeAnn smiles.

“That’s the truth,” she says.

I excuse myself and head to the ladies’ room. I’m at the mirror reapplying my lipstick when the door opens and a blonde walks in.

Not just any blonde. The one from the theater. Marlena. Model perfect, looking like a goddess in a long black dress. She sees me and smiles, and I know it’s no accident that she happens to be in here when I am.

“How are you tonight, Samantha?” she asks, checking her reflection.

I glance at her out of the side of my eye and take a deep breath. “Well, thank you,” I say, and I can hear the stiffness in my own voice. “How are you?”

She flashes me a smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes. “Lovely. I wanted to take a moment to thank you for taking such good care of Dante this month.” There’s a weird note to her words, a viciousness that doesn’t match the words themselves.

I don’t know what to say to that, so I stay silent. She turns to look at me.

“But I’m back now. And I’m all he really needs. I’ll take it from here.” She looks me up and down. “He won’t need your…services…anymore.” She flashes me another cold smile, wiggles her fingers at me, and walks out of the bathroom.

I feel like I’ve been punched in the stomach. She knows? Did Dante tell her about me and our arrangement?

And now, all at once, I feel like what I actually am: a paid escort. And of course, that’s all I am, right? He had the chance to tell me I was more.

But still. What the hell was her deal? Dante hasn’t said a word about her, ever. The only reason I know who she is is because of slimy Anton. I roll my eyes and check my reflection one more time before walking out of the bathroom.

I glance around and see that Dante is still huddled over in a corner with his father and brother, so I take my seat at LeeAnn and John’s table again. Someone walks onto the stage to test the mike on the podium, and conversation in the ballroom starts to die down. A few moments later, Marlena takes the stage, flashing a smile in the general direction of the audience, many of whom have now claimed seats at their tables. She rests her hands on the podium and waits for everyone to get settled.

“Thank you all for coming tonight. Not only will your generous donations make an impact on families and communities that need it, but I appreciate that you’re here to honor the good work of one of the best people I know.” She pauses, and her eyes flick over the crowd. It’s impossible to miss the way her gaze lands on me for just a moment.

“One of the best men I know. A model of generosity. And someone who, I have no doubt, will change the world for the better.” She lays out the general idea for his charity work, the same dream he told me about only a few nights ago. Ice settles into my stomach. She continues. “And it will be my honor to stand beside him through it all. Please welcome our guest this evening, my fiancé, Dante Knight.”

She turns, applauding, and the rest of the audience is clapping. Dante’s taking the stairs up to the stage, and then he’s kissing her cheek, but it feels like I’m watching it all from a million miles away.


My heart feels like it’s being crushed, my stomach twists so hard I can barely breathe. I can’t breathe. I watch him, hoping for some sign he’s going to correct her or say that she’s joking…but no. He kisses her cheek and says a few quiet words to her, then steps up to the podium.

“Thank you, Marlena, for that lovely introduction,” he says.

No denial.