“I haven’t been able to take my eyes off you. Every man in this room wants to be where I am right now.”

I give a nervous little laugh, and he pulls me even closer. “I kinda doubt that. There are some gorgeous women in this room.”

“Mm. There are some nice-looking women. None of them look like you, though. And I can tell you right now what’s going through these men’s heads, watching you here in that sexy dress, pressed up against me like this.”

“What?” I swear I can barely breathe.

“They’re all thinking what a lucky bastard I am, because I’m going home with you,” he murmurs in my ear, and there’s that little growl again. I try to press my thighs together, and at the movement, he maneuvers himself so his muscular thigh is there instead, pressing into me. I feel the insane, ridiculous urge to grind into him to get some relief, but I refuse to lose myself to this insanity. Unfortunately for me, he keeps talking. “They’re imagining what you’ll be like for me later, when it’s just the two of us. They’re imagining you naked, those gorgeous legs spread. They’re wondering if you scream when you come. Hoping you do, probably.”

“Stop,” I whisper.

“They’re thinking about the long, hot night I have ahead of me. Every guy in this room wishes he was me.”

“I think that has more to do with you being rich and powerful than it has to do with me,” I tell him with a laugh. I need to pull myself together. Right at this moment, I’m just as curious as anyone to find out whether or not I scream when I come, and I wonder what it would feel like to have him buried deep inside me.

How did I get here? I’ve been saving myself for love, and now I’m willing to give everything to this smooth, commanding, cocky man who can make me wetter than I’ve ever been in my life with little more than a word or a look.

“I think we’re done here, Samantha,” he murmurs, and the way he says my name makes something twist deep inside me. The way he says it, my name is pure sex, and for just a moment I want to live up to the way his mouth forms the word.

“We are?”

“Yes. I’ve played the good son. I’ve made my father’s clients happy. You’ve helped me put on a good show, and now I’m ready to get the hell out of here.”

“Okay,” I say, and he takes my hand, pulling me toward the exit. I breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that I’ll be away from all of these rich, powerful, intimidating people and their questioning glances.

Until I remember that I’m going home with Dante.

Chapter Five


What the fuck is wrong with me? I mean, yeah. I had every intention of seducing her. Fuck knows I want to hear her screaming my name. I didn’t expect what happened to me when I saw Anton with his hands on her. The hot, molten wave of rage that tore through me at that moment was unlike anything I’ve ever dealt with. In that moment, I seriously could have killed him and laughed about it later.

And then on the dance floor, I came this close to telling her what I want to do with my life. The big dream. Very few people know about that, and why the hell would I want to share it with someone I’m paying to attend events with me for the next month? I’m letting myself get sucked in by her innocence and naiveté. Some sick part of me wants to take that away from her, prove to her that no matter how professional and together I am, I’m no fucking fairy tale.

I know I should go to my room when we get back to the penthouse. This woman is getting under my skin, and fuck if I know how she’s doing it. I don’t want to like her. I don’t want to know her. I want her to do what she’s being paid to do. And, yeah, if I could have her lips around my cock, I’d be good with that, too.

We pass the drive to the penthouse in silence, and when our driver pulls up to the entrance, I climb out and help her out, then walk ahead of her into the building. It’s driving me nuts, being close to her, surrounded by her scent. I haven’t been this helplessly horny since I was a teenager. My dick hasn’t settled down since I first laid eyes on her, and I’m almost in pain from the need to cum. She’s driving me nuts.

We take the elevator up to the penthouse, and she seems nervous, standing as far away from me in the elevator as she can. Even though I was just thinking about how I need distance from her, it pisses me off that she’s staying away.

Yeah. I’m getting more fucked up the more time I spend with her.

I unlock the door to the penthouse and wave her in. When she gets into the living room, she takes a deep breath and walks over to the window. The view is spectacular, even at night, and I watch her as she takes it in.

“You did well tonight,” I tell her, coming up behind her.

She turns and looks up at me. “Thanks. I felt a little awkward, but I mostly just tried to look calm and not talk.”

“Well, you were perfect. Keep up that kind of behavior, and maybe I’ll throw a little more cash your way.”

Her eyes narrow, and even though I have a good hundred pounds on her, I almost back up a step.

“I’m not some…servant or escort or whatever the hell you’re implying.” I get a sense that the champagne she drank at the gala gave her a little extra spunk, and I kind of like it. I smirk.

“You kind of are. I mean, that’s exactly the arrangement we made.”

“You paid me one million dollars for a month of going to events like this with you and spending time with you as you require. Waving money at me like, what? Like I’m some kind of whore or something? What’s next? An extra hundred for a blowjob?”