“He kissed me,” I repeated, trying, and failing, to keep the smile out of my voice.

“Wait, this happened yesterday, and I’m only hearing about it now?” While she wasn’t quite shrieking anymore, her voice was several decibels higher than it should’ve been, causing a few of my colleagues to look over at me curiously.

I lowered my voice, avoiding their stares. “I’ve been trying to convince myself that it really happened, but it did.”

“How?” she breathed, having seemingly controlled herself. “Tell me everything.”

“There’s not so much to tell, actually,” I admitted, though it sounded like a lie even to my own ears. “He came over for breakfast yesterday, and we got to talking while I was cleaning up.”

“And then?” Beth prompted. “Where was Mark?”

“He went to shower before they went off to do whatever it is that they do without me. Brett and I kept talking. I went to collect his plate, but we did this weird reach for it at the same time thing, and his fork fell.”


??Ooh, and then there was just, like, sexual tension when you went to pick it up?”

“Something like that.” It was the best I could do, since I didn’t even really know what had happened to make him close that damn gap. “Anyway, next thing I knew, we were kissing.”

“Was it everything you ever wanted it to be?” Beth babbled excitedly. “Like did angels serenade you and unicorns rain down from the sky?”

“Something like that,” I said again.

Beth breathed out on an exasperated sigh. “Stop saying that. How was it? For real.”

I hesitated, trying to find the words to describe it. “It was magical. Electric. Inevitable. I don’t know. Take your pick, but it was unreal.”

“So, what’re you going to do about it?” Beth asked. “Please tell me there’s a plan?”

“There might be,” I said hesitantly. “Like I said, I want him to be the one. I just have to figure out how to make that happen.”

“What’s to figure out?” Beth asked. “If he kissed you, he must be into you, too.”

“It wasn’t that kind of kiss. It was more of a spur of the moment lips and tongues pressing against each other so quickly that I would’ve thought I’d imagined it if I hadn’t been so tingly afterward.” I felt disappointed in the knowledge that it was true.

“There’s no such thing,” Beth assured me. “Even if he just caved in the spur of the moment, it has to mean that he’s at least thought about it before.”

“You think?”

“Abso-fucking-lutely,” she said. “Kissing isn’t something that just happens, no matter how close your lips come to someone else’s.”

Taking a moment to think about her words, I let a little surge of hope run through me. It was true. You didn’t just go around kissing anyone who came close to you. “So, you think I should go for it, then?”

“Yes. Of course, you should go for it. That man is yummy, and I bet he is a ten in bed. Maybe even an eleven. Go for it hard, girl. Every pun intended. Let me know how it goes.”

Chapter Five


My brain had been all messed up for two days. My dick was getting the wrong idea because of it. It was starting to think that Soph was fair game.

She wasn’t.

The only thing to do was to confront the situation head on, but Sophia’s phone just kept ringing. When I’d all but given up hope that she would answer, the call finally connected, and her soft voice came over the line.

“Hey, Brett. What’s up?”

My cock, that was what. I couldn’t, and didn’t, say that however. “Not much. We need to talk though, Sophia.”