Logan tries to keep a straight face. “Yup.”

Rose’s little forehead knits up as though thinking hard in that serious, strangely adult way she has, then looks straight at me. “Can you be my mommy, too?”

My heart swells with love for this little girl, but can I really be her

mommy? She has a mother that she’s just getting to know, and I don’t want to jeopardize that. But I know we can be a family. “I can if you want me to be, sweetheart. I’d love to.”

Logan leans down and scoops her up with one arm and draws me in with the other, wrapping us into one big family hug. The first of many.



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Pregnant by My Brother’s Friend

By Lia Lee and Leona Lee

Full bonus book below!


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Pregnant by My Brother’s Friend

By Leona Lee and Lia Lee

All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2017 Leona Lee and Lia Lee.


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Chapter One


When I was ten years old, my mother and I moved to Chicago with nothing but the clothes on our backs and a fistful of bills that one of her friends in Indiana had stuffed in her hand before we left. We’d left in the middle of night because we were late on rent. I wasn’t supposed to know why we left, but I did. It wasn’t the first time it had happened, but as luck would have it, it was the last.

Mom had to work three jobs to make sure that it never happened again, but she never once complained.

On my first day at my new school, some of the kids picked on me for my ratty sweater and holey jeans. I’d been about to put my fist into one of their faces when an almighty scream rang out behind me. I spun around to see a little girl with the bluest eyes I’d ever seen, wailing and pointing at the guy who’d been making fun of me.

Another boy came running, and his fist collided into the bully’s cheekbone with a loud crack. After a brief tussle, a teacher had broken up the fight and sent us all off with a warning. The boy who’d punched the guy in my defense looked over at me, his dark hair pointing in every direction and a trickle of blood running from his nose. He grunted, “We’re gonna miss lunch if we don’t hurry. Come on.”

Nineteen years later, that same boy was sitting beside me in the booth of an upscale bar on Logan Square, celebrating my latest deal.

Mark Love. My best goddamned friend in the world. He smacked me on the back with a thump of his fist. I couldn’t hear it over the music that was blaring from large speakers lining the walls, and he grinned like the madman he was.

“Congratulations, brother,” he said. “I’m really fucking proud of you.” He hailed a passing waitress. “Three shots of Patron and three beers, please.”

“Sure thing, coming right up.” The waitress winked and flashed him a smile, but Mark’s eyes were already out on the dance floor.

“Actually, better make that four of everything,” he told her, sighing as he slumped back in his seat. “Sophia’s gonna be parched when she comes off the floor.”