He tasted of cigar smoke and scotch, of power and prestige, of backroom deals and piles of money. Of all the things I’d one day be expected to be, at least in my own way in my own company.

The scent of his musk hit me as well as the cinnamon tang of his cologne. His tongue tasted mine, caressing it with expert care and attention. I crossed my legs as best I could, even as my clit throbbed. I could understand being close to the edge, could feel the need to come just from making out with him. He must have been feeling that same way when I’d been on his lap.

All that stuff about turnabout being fair play.

Well, soon I’d make him scream. I’d pay him back for earlier in his office.

But it wasn’t going to be today. As Callum came up for air, preparing to kiss me again, the limo ground to a halt. The divider panel with the chauffeur didn’t roll down, but the intercom blared to life, and maybe it was my imagination that there was a bit of an amused tone in his voice.

“Sir, we’re here.”

Callum shook his head and straightened his midnight black tie. “Thank you, Edmund.”

“Oh, my pleasure, sir.”

I frowned and straightened my dress. “Is he mocking us?”

“Edmund’s been in my employ for decades, luv. He’s not paid to think, let alone to mock. I think he just gets a bit tired of driving around a playboy.”

“Tonight, you’re not just any playboy,” I offered.

He sat beside me on the seat and kissed my forehead. “Yes, tonight I’m just yours.”



“I’m not sure this was what I expected when I ordered the steak,” she said, poking at the rounded cut of about three ounces of the most succulent cut of meat in Dublin. Then her fork made its way over to the thin orange slips of parsnips on her plate. “I guess I figured fancy food would be bigger.”

“You’re no stranger to luxury,” I pointed out, smiling at the way her nose curled up like a rabbit in confusion.

“But in the States we give you the economy size,” she admitted. Then she cut into the steak and made a sound that was positively obscene. “Again, this is the best meat I’ve ever had in my mouth!”

I chuckled and ignored the opportunity to tease her with the low-hanging fruit Iris had offered me. I certainly knew about other types of meat that would eventually be filling her hot little mouth.

“See, then sometimes it’s about quality over quantity. You yanks never seemed to get that. Also, I could get you another order.”

She bit into her next bite, and a drop of juice dribbled down her chin before she quickly wiped it away with her napkin. Idly, I wondered if my little vixen swallowed. I bet she did, bet she’d lap me up. Oh, the possibilities.

I cut into my monkfish and took a bite. Exemplary as usual. “I never could understand some of the ways Americans think.”

She laughed, genuinely relaxing around me for the first time as a light shone through her soft brown eyes. “I never get the Irish. I’ve been here three years and my roommate, Ally, will say something, and then I’ll just stare at her and blink, trying to figure out an expression. I think that cross-cultural breakdown goes both ways.”

“Perhaps,” I said, smirking. “Love you yanks, but you have no sense of taste or history.”

“I think usually I’m supposed to say that Europeans have no sense of adventure or being ballsy, but I’m the last person to say that. I usually play everything safe.”

“Why not this time?” I asked, setting my fork down and studying her. In the cave-like atmosphere of the private dining room with its domed roof and low lighting, everything felt even more intimate, more immediate too. It was almost as if I could see every flicker of expression across her face. “What made you take a chance on me?”

“Maybe I should ask you that first.”

I quirked my head at her. “I’ve answered. You know you intrigue me, that mix of politeness and care as well as spunk. Why aren’t you playing it safe this time?”

She sighed and pushed her plate away from her. Gathering her hands in her lap, she frowned up at me, even though her eyes failed to meet mine. “I graduate after this year.”

“I knew you were a rising senior. That?

?s who the internship has been designed for. Are you going to an MBA program after?”