“He does,” Anne insisted, starting to feel as though Clary knew something about William that she did not. Though, her air of smugness was familiar. Maybe that was a class taught at William’s old boarding school.

Maybe they had been more than schoolmates.

“Oh! Try these.” Clary grabbed several hors d'oeuvres from a passing waiter. “Mac and cheese cupcakes! America is fabulous!”

“Mm!” Anne made an obscene noise as her teeth sunk into the crispy exterior of the “cupcake.” This was good enough that both Michelle and Evie might eat it. A thought for Thanksgiving when Evie would only eat mashed potatoes and canned cranberry sauce.

The gala became just a bit more bearable as Anne listened to Clary share a few stories from boarding school. Mr. Egerton didn’t get any more interesting, but she hoped, probably in vain, that he was speaking in some kind of incredibly dull code that the boys in the surveillance van would be able to figure out.

William sent her a few curious looks as he made his way around the room, and after a while came over to Anne’s side.

“What are you doing over here with the enemy?” William asked as he strolled up.

“I’m stealing your girlfriend, William,” Clary said with a grin. “She’s too good for you. We’re gonna run off and eat cupcakes together forever.”

“The first time I’ve seen you in years, and you’re snaking my woman?” William shook his head.

Clary extended her hand like a princess, and William took it and gave a little bow. They both laughed. It was so peculiar that Anne could only stare at their intertwined hands. Clary was barely a millimeter shorter than William, and her hands were nearly the same size. For all her sleek prettiness, Anne suspected that Clary could handle herself.

“Are you snaking me, or William?” Anne asked finally.

“Ugh. I would never.” Clary retracted her hand.

“I’d imagine not, since your daddy is so intent on trying to send me back to prison,” William said flatly.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Clary smiled with a little too much glee.

William gave a nod, then tilted his head back as Mr. Egerton turned around.

“William! It’s been too long,” the man said in a gravelly voice.

“Of course, Harrold. When was the last time, hm?” William’s smile was tight.

Egerton clapped his hands together and let out a bark of a laugh. “The Airedale Auction, I believe?”

“It’s possible. I do know how to spot a deal.” William tilted his head to the side. “Do you still have that ancient Etruscan statue I, er, acquired for you?”

“It is a centerpiece of my collection.” Egerton looked to Clary. “This man has always had an impeccable eye. His mind’s a steel trap for the most obscure datum regarding valuable relics and artifacts sourced around most of the continent and a good bit of Asia.”

“Not sure what else to do with a degree in art history,” William said lightly.

Clary clicked her tongue. “I think we both know your education is far more extensive than that.”

Anne looked between the three of them. They continued with a superficially pleasant conversation that had so many barbed undertones that it was hard to believe no one would need stitches afterward.

“Oh, this song is beautiful,” Anne cooed.

William looked down at her with a mixture of scolding and amusement. “I suppose that’s my cue. Enjoy the gala.”

The moment their backs were turned, Anne met William’s eye. He bit his lower lip and said nothing until he’d placed one hand on her lower back and the other on her shoulder.

“Subtle, and not too aggressive. I think you charmed the she-beast over there,” William said.

“She was nice.” Anne moved with William as they circled around the dance floor. “No, really. What’s your history with her?”

“I told you. Schoolmate. Frenemy. That’s about it.”

Anne frowned. Her stomach grew fluttery as he pressed against her, and the wave of dizziness was not from the dancing. William swung her around for a low dip and grinned wickedly.