“Seth, what’s going on?”

“It’s Iris.”

My heart started beating faster against my chest. “What’s wrong?”

“I need to know if you noticed her getting close to any young guys in your firm. I…she’s pregnant, but it’s bad, Callum. She’s very sick. The placenta ruptured partially, and the doctor says she has to be on bed rest. She’s napping now, but she’ll need to be watched closely for the next five months. I…I just need to find out who to murder. My baby and, even if I had no idea this would happen, my grandchild are sick, and I want to snap the neck of whatever rat bastard did this to her and left her all alone.”

My stomach went cold. I’d had no idea. How long had she been hiding our child? How long had she known? Jesus Christ, what even was happening with both of them?

“Callum? Hello, are you there?” Seth’s voice was subdued, broken in a way I’d never heard it before. He was one of the few negotiators I feared and respected across the table, but even dealing with the evil hand of fate seemed to be too much for my friend. “Are you okay?”

I forced myself to keep my tone normal and level, even though my entire world was rapidly spiraling out of control. “I haven’t noticed her with anyone socially here.” Except for me. “But if I find out anything, I’ll let you know. I…is she going to be okay?”

“They don’t know. They’re hopeful, but you know how cagey doctors are. They won’t tell you everything in case they’re wrong and you can sue them later. I just can’t believe this. I push her hard, but she’s my little girl. I can’t lose her.”

I nodded and couldn’t imagine losing her either. I’d lived through that once before, the utter desolation that came from losing the love of my life. I couldn’t do that again.

And it was then that I knew, deep in my bones, that same truth I’d probably been feeling for weeks if not months. I wasn’t just craving Iris like a drug. She wasn’t just someone I cared about and wanted to spend hours of pleasure with. Yes, she appealed to my cock, but it was a thousand times more than that.

I loved her.

I loved her and wanted to spend the rest of my damn life with her.

Except hers and our baby’s might not be that very long of a life.

“I…” I stumbled over the words to get Seth off the phone so I could get my private jet ordered and re

adied. “…you won’t.”

“You don’t know that. I swear, if I get my hands on the man who did this, he will be so very sorry. Assuming that sorry sack of shit can feel anything at all once I’m done with him.”

“That thinking won’t help your girls, not Rachel or poor Iris,” I replied. “You think about being strong for them and you can, uh, get that sonofabitch later.” If anything happened to Iris or the baby, I’d march myself up to Seth and give him an endless shot to pummel my ass. To beat me black and blue. I’d deserve it and so much worse.

“Hang strong, mate,” I said. “I’ve seen her these last few months. She’s a strong girl, and she’ll pull through this too.”

“I hope so.”

“I know so. Now, I have to go, but the bill’s on me.”

“Why? I can more than cover it.”

“Well, I was supposed to keep an eye on her when she was at my company. You were a great support when Priscilla was sick. Let me return the favor, alright?”

Seth sighed. “This time, for just once, I’ll listen to you.”

“See, was that so bad?”

My old friend offered me a tiny chuckle. “Not this time. The doctors are calling. I need to go get more information. I’ll call soon. Just see if you can find out anything new.”

“I’ll do my best,” I said as Seth ended the call.

I didn’t waste a minute getting my jet called up and my limo to the front of the building. I had to get to America, and I had to get there as fucking fast as possible.

My family needed me.

Chapter Fifteen
