He nodded enthusiastically, elbowing me in the ribs. Unfortunately, because I was an idiot, I’d told Mark about my period of abstinence. The night I’d found out that I had a shot at closing the deal, we celebrated the end of my voluntary dry spell by drinking a shitload of Scotch.

“Do try to last long enough to make the poor girl come at least once,” Mark said, laughing.

I glared at him so hard that I thought my eyes were going to pop. No matter how much I willed it to happen, his head didn’t explode. Rolling my eyes, I raised the shot of Patron that the waitress had delivered, and I smirked. “I’ll get her to call in the morning to tell you that she came so hard that she couldn’t see for a full minute. Now drink up.”

“Who’s coming for a full minute?” Sophia asked behind me suddenly, her voice slightly slurred, but her curiosity was definitely piqued.

When I turned to face her, she blinked and looked around the booth, her eyes moving a little shower than usual. You wouldn’t be able to see it if you didn’t know her well, but I did. She’d excused herself earlier to go dance, claiming the tequila we’d been pounding all night was going to her head and that she needed to sweat it out.

It clearly hadn’t worked itself out of her system yet.

“Jesus,” Mark said. “I’m not having this conversation with you.” He stood up from the booth, brushed the creases from his jeans, and glanced at me pointedly. “I’m going to piss. Shawn’s going… somewhere, because he isn’t hearing this, either. Fix it.”

Shawn looked between the two of us, shrugged, and moved his towering frame to the dance floor, where a bunch of girls wearing tiaras and one with a sash that read “Bachelorette” descended on him. He wouldn’t be back anytime soon, which left me alone with Sophia, who was still looking at me expectantly.

She slid into the booth beside me, not stopping until she was pressed to my side. God, she must’ve been drunker than I thought.

Her gaze fell the shot of Patron that was still waiting for her, and she slammed it back. Her tiny pink tongue darted out of her mouth to lick her lips quickly. “Yum.”

My eyes fell to that tongue for just a split second, but she caught me. Our gazes met and locked. Her lips parted as she sucked in a breath.

“Congratulations on your deal,” she said finally, her voice a touch breathier than usual. “And you never answered my question. Who’s coming for a full minute?”

Damn. I was hoping she’d forgotten about that. “No one. And thanks, but you already congratulated me earlier.”

“I know,” she said with a wave of her hand. “But you deserved to hear it again.”

Sophia leaned in closer, like she wanted to whisper in my ear. I bent my head slightly, but it snapped back as soon as I heard what she had to say.

“You know, I wouldn’t mind being the one that you make come for a full minute.”

My cock sprang to attention, straining against my zipper. I shoved a hand into my hair, sliding over on the bench to put a good few inches between us. Like things should be. “Why the fuck would you say that to me?” I asked.

Sophia shrugged, her blue eyes wide and her pupils dilated when they met mine. “Why not? It’s true. I happen to think you’re fucking hot.”

“Jesus,” I said. “You must be drunker that I realized.”

I broke eye contact to relieve the intense sexual tension that was building between us, crackling in the air like someone had lit a match.

“I’m not—” Sophia started to protest, but Mark was back and sliding into the booth beside her.

“I hope you’ve moved on from Brett’s idiotic comment.” His gaze alternated between the two of us. “What feels weird here?”

“Nothing’s weird,” Sophia said, going to thump his shoulder but missing by a mile. “You’re weird.”

Her eyes were all glassy, and her speech was definitely slurred now. It seemed that last shot of tequila had been the cactus that broke the camel’s back.

Mark must’ve noticed the same thing I did, because he tipped back his beer and saluted me, gently pulling Sophia to her feet with him. “I’d better get her home. She’s pretty wasted.”

“Yeah, I guess she is,” I agreed, lifting my chin in farewell to Mark. “Bye Soph. Feel better.”

Sophia’s full lips curled into a lopsided smile, and she teetered slightly on her heels. “Bye, Brett. See you soon.”

When she met my gaze for the last time, her eyes shone with something that looked a lot like an offer I wished I could take her up on, but never would.

Chapter Two
