I can only assume he’s done this before. Does he come here every few months, buy a week with a girl, and move on? His fingertips graze the side of my breast, and I bite back a whimper. I’m trembling. My stomach is fluttering and my heart is pounding. This is terrifying, and yet the second he touches me, it feels like I’ve lost the ability to think.

Instead, I focus on his fingertips tracing the side of my breast, circling around my nipple, which is already an almost painfully hard peak. He brushes his thumb over my nipple, and I do whimper then.

“Very, very nice. It’s a good little act you’ve got going on. Tie your shirt back up. I don’t like anyone else looking at my property.”

I nod and quickly do it, and he stalks to the door and lets Harry back in.

Within moments, Harry’s been paid and this man, this man who owns me for a month, has transferred a million dollars into my bank account.

“Get your things in order. Pack. I’ll pick you up in a couple hours. What’s your address?” he asks. I rattle off my address and apartment number, then my phone number. He leaves the room without another word, and I take a few minutes to try to settle myself down.

One month at his beck and call. One month with a man who outright owns me.

There’s no way I’ll come through this and still be the same as I am now.

I’ll take it all. I saved my father’s life. I can handle anything else.

Chapter Two


I have no idea what the fuck came over me. I was there to meet with some dipshit my father was supposed to be meeting with. The dipshit never showed, but she did.

I don’t get off on the whole stripper thing. Why pay to watch some stranger parade around for a bunch of assholes when you can have your own private show, complete with a blowjob afterward?

And then I saw her. Big blue eyes. Long, silky black hair. Big, luscious tits, sweet little rounded stomach, and the kind of hips I could see myself gripping hard as I rammed into her.

I had heard about Harry’s little auctions. My brother uses Harry’s services sometimes. It took a few words, a little extra cash, and Harry included her in the auction.

But a million dollars? I must be out of my fucking mind. I can get a girl without paying.

But I won’t get this one. Or have her pledge to do anything I want.

And there’s a whole lot I want to do to her.

I pull up to the address she gave me. It’s in a shit part of the city, and when I take the elevator up to the fourth floor, it smells like piss. I walk down the hall until I’m outside 4E. I knock, and a moment later, she’s peeking out the door at me.

“One second,” she says in her soft, sweet voice, and I nod.

I hear a chain slide, and then she’s opening the door for me.

One look at her, and I’m fucking hard again. She was cute at the club, but now she’s wearing a little button-down top and a pair of jeans that fit her curves like a glove. Bare feet. Still wearing makeup, but not plastered all over her face like it was at the club. The pigtails are gone, and her hair tumbles down her back.

“Are you ready?”

She nods and picks up one of the bags on the living room floor. I take it, then grab the second one.

“Is it okay if I bring a laptop?”

“Bring whatever you want,” I tell her, and she grabs a small bag in addition to the ones I’m carrying.

I can’t take my eyes off her. I should have sent a driver instead.

This woman, the sight of her, the smell of her, the things I imagine doing to her…all of it has me feeling like I’m already out of my mind.

“Come on,” I growl at her, and she jumps a little at my tone.

Fuck. I don’t want her scared. I have no idea what the hell’s come over me tonight. But that’s a lie. I know exactly what it was, and it’s wrapped up in the curvaceous, silky-haired, soft-spoken little thing leading me to the elevator.