“Yeah, why?”

“I dunno. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but you seem jittery this morning.”

“Trust me, I’m good.”

“Then that’s a great thing to hear,” Tammy said, although her tone implied she didn’t really believe me. Trying to force an unconvincing smile, she added, “Mark your calendar. Mom and I just settled on doing my big twenty-first bash in a couple months at her and Bert’s penthouse.”

“I wouldn’t have any plans exciting enough to miss,” I replied.

“Still, I want you to get it on your calendar early. If I don’t remind you, you’re likely to work right through it.”

I shrugged. “Heh, you got me.” With that, I hurried out the door.


By the time I got to my desk, my nerves were rubbed raw. First, I figured I’d been just about the worst liar out there in front of Tammy and her mother. Then, my mom had called, begging me for money I didn’t have. I didn’t even get my first paycheck from my internship for another ten days. I wasn’t surprised. Mom had been a great mother once, but back when I was still in high school, she’d gotten mixed up with opiates and the same bullshit that was choking most of West Virginia to death. Her addiction was the main reason I knew I had to stand on my own, and the reason going back to West Virginia would be the last thing I’d ever do. I didn’t care if I literally had to live on the streets, I’d never go back to Beckley; never sit around and watch her destroy herself like that.

And even if I had money, I sure as hell wasn’t giving her a damn dime to continue destroying herself with. Not anymore.

Forcing myself to smile, to be the bubbly go-getter my supervisor, Becky, expected me to be, I nodded toward her. “So, what do you have on tap for me today?”

She adjusted her glasses on her nose and checked the pile of papers in front of her. “Your article from last night was a good start. I have that in editing, and a senior staffer will polish it for you.”

“That’s great.”

“Yes, but I need you to go down to the research room. I have an interview coming up with an up-and-coming designer, and I need all the bits about her from social media and print media you can find. I want the best dirt so I can dig in deep.”

I offered a tight smile; a bit crestfallen that I hadn’t been asked to do another feature piece or big-time story. I knew that the Vera Wang show article only happened because Brandon had pulled strings. Still, I felt like my work spoke for itself, and I was always ready to pounce on anything that would help me get my writing out there; to get eyes reading over my byline.

It didn’t take long to get lost at the desk in the tiny, windowless room. Within minutes, I was lost down the timeless rabbit hole of trying to figure out all the details behind the latest fashion flavor of the month. So far, I was learning she had a fiery temper and the tendency to get into feuds with everyone from her own fans to Kanye West on Twitter. At least she might make for an intense interview for Becky.

A knock sounded on the door behind me, and I didn’t even think before shouting, “Come on in.” I just assumed it was Becky checking on me.

It wasn’t.

Brandon stood there, looking delicious in his pin-striped charcoal gray suit and bold crimson tie. “I’m not interrupting, am I?”

I jerked in my seat, my damn clit already throbbing at the things his voice did to me. That voice, like velvet, made me want to do things to him in return. “I’m working.”

“You’ve been working all day, Tiger. You must have lost track of time; it’s almost six p.m., and most of the building has cleared out.”

I cursed under my breath when a cursory check of the computer’s bottom right screen confirmed what he’d said. “Shit, I only emailed Becky the first half of this at lunch.”

“I’m sure, with how thorough you are, she had enough research to make a good start.” He smiled, a look that could probably make women’s panties melt, and then he locked the door behind him. “Now, we’re alone together in a room no one can see in. I think that calls for a bit of a celebration, don’t you?”

I bit my lower lip and sighed. “I’m not sure.”

Chapter Six


I was taken aback by that. Honestly, I’d been expecting Selena, my little tiger, to be as ready and desperate for another round as I was. I still hadn’t fucked her properly, and my cock ached to be buried balls deep in her amazing pussy. The fact that she was hesitating confused me. She’d been more than resolved to be part of our arrangement last night. Hell, she’d been the one screaming my name and coming like a river all over my hands.

“What’s up?”

“I… It was so hard to avoid Tammy this morning. In fact, I failed at it completely. And her mom was there—”

“What? Melanie was there?”