Of course, I tempered all this homesickness with the knowledge that I loved Amir and our baby beyond all else, and I would never choose to change what had happened in my life. I often told myself, accept the things you cannot change. I often included, or would not change.

I didn’t tell Amir about Mr. Abdullah. There was no need, and I figured it would only cause him undo anxiety about me being out in the world on my own. I did tell him all about what I was learning and how happy I was that the law codes were similar and not nearly as complex as back home in the States. The system was archaic to say the least, but easy enough to understand. They were all still living in the eye for an eye, hand for a hand system of government. There was little room for negotiating anything. I was especially curious about the rights for the women, and I took two extra classes just so I could fully understand their code of ethics when it came to their females. I had a plan hatching in my mind, one where I would slowly start changing some of the antiquated laws and help women find some equal footing—or at the very least, some footing!

Chapter Six

Our wedding was quickly approaching, and the gown was being delivered, along with a professional seamstress, for a final fitting. After days of perusing the catalogs and binders of dress styles, we both decided the diamond encrusted strapless number I’d first drooled over was the winner. Amir insisted he be present for the fitting and scoffed when I told him it was bad luck to see the bride in her dress before the wedding.

“This is foolish tradition! You’ve had my child, my wife. I shall see you in the dress that cost more than a Ferrari!” He even stamped his foot as if that were the gavel hit of finality.

“Yes, my love. However you wish. You are the king, after all.” He loved it when I acted like a subservient, fawning female and now was no exception.

He gathered me in his arms and kissed me until my knees went rubbery. His eyes danced in anticipation. “I will want to take you in your dress. You are aware of this fact, I hope.”

I rolled my eyes and acted bored, “I figured as much.”

He kissed me again and held my butt so he could grind against me, which made him thicken and fill almost instantly. “Perhaps I will take you before the seamstress arrives?” he growled as he bit my nick.

I pushed on him, weakly pretending to fend him off, “No, Amir, why so soon?” This was hilarious to the man with a desire for lovemaking that I could hardly keep up with. He was darn near insatiable, and I wasn’t complaining. He was a stud in all respects and always delivered on his promise to satisfy me first, himself second. As a result, I was wearing a perpetual lazy grin and sighing at regular intervals. Yes, my man was something else.

A servant made themselves known and announced the seamstress had arrived and was waiting in the upstairs room set aside just for wedding clothes. There were mirrors on all the walls and even a platform for me to stand on while the little sewing fairies did their thing with pins sticking out of mouths and tape measures draped over necks.

Amir heaved a disappointed exhale and then ducked in for another kiss, telling my lips before parting, “When they are finished with you, we shall make love up there.”

I blinked furiously and pushed him away with a giggle, “Oh dear, now you’ve gone and done it.”

Chapter Se


We flew into Dubai ten days before the wedding. I was happy to be back with Anna, and Amsi and Bob seemed to recognize the other. Their squeals of delight were a bit much, but oh well, they were both smiling and giggling and doing the strange baby talk thing. They flapped their little fat rolled arms and wobbled on their butts, often falling over and laughing hilariously at the other. Anna and I watched them and couldn’t help ourselves—joining in the mysterious merriment.

Amir and Omar caught up on personal and government matters, and we lazed around for most of the day. The next morning, the four of us took a quick helicopter flight out to see the Atlantis Palm resort. We left the boys at home with their nannies and we girls enjoyed some time off, although often one or the other of us would make a pouty face and say we were missing them.

“I don’t know how you leave every day and go to school,” Anna mentioned as we cruised near the horizon.

“I focus on the work and it distracts me. But when I get home I nearly devour him with kisses.”

Amir sarcastically agreed, “I am witness—she speaks the truth. One would think she was going to eat her young.”

The chopper neared the expansive set of islands, and my breath caught. It really was one of the most impressive things I’d ever seen. The shape of a palm tree was symmetrical and appeared as just that from the sky. As we neared, I oooed and awed over the manmade marvel of the entire place.

Once we landed, Anna dragged me to each thing she wanted me to notice. Omar had brought her here a few times for short escapes, and she was giddy that our wedding and reception would include a weekend stay in the penthouse suites. Amir and Omar had in fact rented out the top five floors of the massive retreat hotel for us and our guests. It was all beyond belief in scope and grandeur.

The fountains in particular were some of Anna’s favorite things, and we stood and stared at one after another. Then we were taken on a tour of The Beach venue for the ceremony and then into the ballroom and grand terrace—which was exactly as described. In my head, I thought it all seemed like too much, but I knew there was some required pomp and circumstance for this kind of thing. And, if I thought about it, this was nothing like the royal weddings in Britain I’d seen on TV.

Amir and I looked at a few mock ups and fabric swatches for the tables, banners, and drapes. The theme was going to be my favorite color of royal purple mixed with golds, silvers, and whites. Lilacs were being flown in from South American greenhouses just for the occasion, too—it was going to make the room smell heavenly! There were also a thousand balloons in the three colors set to drop when we had our couples dance.

We were escorted up to the penthouse suite that Amir and I would have on our honeymoon night, and Amir led me to the massive picture window overlooking the beach and resort. “I plan on fucking you against this window,” he gutturally said against the skin of my neck.

Gooseflesh rippled over my arms and I quivered. “Okay,” I said dryly, affecting a disinterested lazy shrug.

He chuckled and bit my neck. “Shall I dismiss the concierge and remind you this very second?”

“Remind me of what?” Brat-girl tone was now in full effect.

He chuckled and bit me again, squeezing my bottom through the thin silk of my sheath dress. He fondled my bare butt, noticing the lack of panties, and he growled at my ear, “You are such a tease, my lady!” He was standing next to my side as we pretended to be enjoying the view. He pulled my hand to his groin to show me what was now hard. I gripped it and then rubbed my hand down his fly. He growled again. Through gritted teeth he whispered, “I want you this second.”

I turned and winked at him, “Not this second, darling, lets save something for our wedding night.” And I quickly walked to the open door and waiting concierge in the hall.