“Perhaps a better word is respected each other. It was a comfortable love, easy to like one another. We never quarreled—she never crossed me—like I said, she was raised subservient.” He looked up into my eyes, and I saw his were shining with unshed emotions. “I’ve come to realize I did not understand love—certainly not in the capacity I feel for you.” He sipped his water, and his hand trembled.

“Julie, you are my heartbeat, my pulse, the very life of me. Before, when I thought I’d lost you, I wished to die. This week, as I considered you might not survive, or the other myriad issues they told me might arise—even months of possible rehabilitation and the loss of your memory—none of that dissuaded me in the slightest. I would have relished being your caregiver.”

I choked back a sob and put my hand to my mouth. I muttered, “I feel the same about you.”

He failed at containing the tears, and they streamed down his cheeks. He leaned forward and took my hands in his. “You’ve taught me what love is, Julie. I’d give up everything to keep you—do anything for you—just so I may be in your presence. The simple fact you allow me in your life, that you’ve loved me in return and bore me a son—all of that is more than I could have ever wished for. I do not know why I’ve been so blessed. I do not feel as if I’ve deserved half of this joy—and yet, you continue to fill me up to pressed down and overflowing. I want you to know all this, Julie—you are everything to me.”

I had no words, and my chin shook as tears streamed from my eyes. I leaned across and wiped the tears off Amir’s cheeks, and then I crawled into his lap like a small child. I cleaved to his chest and sobbed on his shoulder. The best I could say was, “Me too, Amir. Me too.”

Chapter Thirteen

A month after our return home, I went in for a check-up. I was pretty sure I was pregnant, but needed to make certain my dizzy spells and constant morning sickness had nothing to do with the concussion and lingering headaches. The headaches were diminishing, but hadn’t totally departed, so I’d been forced to remain rather sedentary and always resting. Amir had taken full advantage of my supine position and had been fucking me like a pubescent schoolboy. I wasn’t complaining—not in the slightest. I was, in fact, getting so I liked the life of leisure and all the attention from my husband.

The doctor checked this and that and then the nurse came in with the lab results from my pee test. He grinned happily, “Well Mrs. Rashid, it appears as if the king’s household will be plus yet another.” I slapped the tops of my thighs and exhaled. He went on, “Everything else looks okay, but please continue resting. No undue stress on your still healing brain. These things take time. How is the memory recall going?”

“Much better. My short-term seems to be getting longer and longer, too.”

He closed the binder with my file in it and smiled again. “Excellent, it appears as if you will make a full recovery.” He patted his own belly, “And now you have a reason to rest for at least the next eight months. This one will go to term.” He pointed a finger at my stomach as if he were scolding the bean sized child inside. “Is that understood?” He finished in a gruff tone.

I saluted him and replied, “Yes sir!”

Amir was waiting in the lobby, and he must have known just from my expression. He picked me up and twirled me around in abandoned joy. “This will be our girl!” he announced as if he could decree such a thing.

“I would love a little girl, but honestly, it might be good for Amsi to have a brother close to his age to play with.”

Amir nodded, “This is true. Well perhaps a boy then? And next time, a girl?”

I rolled my eyes and inhaled dramatically. “Three kids for the woman who wanted none? Now you’re stretching it, mister.”

Amir chuckled and patted his lap. He loved me to sit on his lap. “Did I not tell you, sweetheart? I would choose for us to have perhaps six or more.”

“Oh God, Amir! NO! I don’t want that many…”

He grabbed my face and kissed me passionately, giving me no time to finish my statement. Then he stole all my breath, along with my thoughts, and I melted into his strength. Perhaps he deserved an entire litter of young. He was, after all, the most magnificent male I’d ever seen and he adored me beyond the bounds of comprehension.

I pulled away and swayed, groggy from his attentions, “M-kay,” I said comically. “But you have to promise to love me when my body doesn’t rebound like a twenty six year old. You do realize eventually I’ll start to, um—sag?”

He threw his head back and laughed, “Nonsense, my dear, I plan on keeping you well exercised. My attentions will keep you youthful through eternity and multiple children.”

I shrugged, “Can’t really argue with that.” Then I pressed my lips back to his, and we became one.