Page 25 of Let Go

I turn to see Gruber standing with his hands in his pockets and I step down from the trailer and help Teah do the same, draping my arm over her shoulders.

She looks at Gruber, then at me. “I hope you’re not upset. I wanted it to be a surprise. I had a building and fencing built. Gruber has been supervising and there are lots of wolves and wolf pups that need help. The goal will be to release them back into the wild, but some will need to stay. If they are injured or old. So, we will have some here all the time. He’s going to teach us how to care for them. Handle them. We will have help too.”

“Wow, baby.” I lean in to kiss the side of her hair. “This is amazing.”

“So, you’re happy? You’re not upset?”

“Upset?” I shake my head and squeeze her into me. “It’s perfect. You’re perfect. We’re perfect.”

Just then, Beverly comes around the back of the trailer and smiles.

“So?” She looks at Teah, then Gruber, and I see a blush on her cheeks.

“Ma’am.” He tips his hat at Beverly and she fights off a smile.

“Gruber, I told you my name is Beverly.”

I look at the two women in my life and shrug. “You were in on this?”

“Of course.” Beverly smiles and I see Gruber can’t take his eyes off of her.

“Well, you girls do know how to keep secrets.”

“Beverly’s been helping a lot.” Teah bobs her eyebrows at me with a nudge, then turns to wrap her arms around my neck as Gruber smiles and walks toward the front of his truck, calling behind him.

“Well, let’s go then. These two babies need a home. You two hop in the back of the truck.” He looks over at Beverly. “Ma’am.” He outstretches his hand for her to follow him.

He takes her around and puts her in the passenger seat of the truck as Teah and I follow behind. As we walk away from the trailer the two pups start howling and barking.

I turn to look at my own Little Wolf and see that smile that lights up my days.

She looks up at me as we go to get into the bed of Gruber’s pick up. “Sometimes, we just need to let go of who we thought we were to make room for who we are supposed to be.”

I lift her into the truck and climb in behind her, tapping on the back window of the cab to signal for Gruber to go ahead.

“I’m glad you let go, Little Wolf. I’m glad we let go.”




“You like teasing me, don’t you? You like running around here in your see-through dress with no panties, torturing me.” Lock stomps through the living room with fire in his eyes. “Get over here.”

I stay put, half frozen and half playing into the little fantasy. Lock tears his sweat soaked white T-shirt from his torso, exposing his massive and magnificent chiseled body. I’m in agony, wanting him to touch me as I sit cross legged on the floor. But instead I just stick my tongue out at him.

“I wasn’t teasing you.” I banter back as Lock comes closer, his hands on the buckle of his belt. The mere sight of him has desire twitching and tingling right down in my center.

“We both know that’s not the truth. You know what you’re doing, Little Wolf. Now, you’re going to have to pay the piper.” His words cut hard through the space left between us and my belly flips at the intensity in his eyes.

He’s playing along, but the parts we settle into like this sometimes feel as real as our other identities. They’ve developed over time, as did our relationship in general. When you marry someone within the first twenty-four hours of meeting them, it’s all about evolution and finding your way.

We’ve managed to do that very well. Even after all these years, and four children later, we continue to do it very well.

“I’m sorry.” I pout as Lock steps in front of me, a heavy hand resting on top of my head, pushing me back until I’m gazing up.

“Take my cock out. You made it hard, it’s your responsibility to take care of it.” He licks his lips on a snarl. “Get your mouth ready, princess.”

The anticipation has me holding my breath as I bring my shaking fingers up to the button of his jeans where his belt already hangs open.

“Yes, Sir.” I answer and he gives me an approving nod as my fingers work slowly.

“That’s it. You know what you are here for. You know your purpose.” His jaw tightens before he continues. “That’s why you walk around dressed like that, isn’t it?”

I nod as I work open the fly of his pants and tug down his loose boxers.