Page 9 of Let Go

“Teah.” I pull back, needing to know. “There’s no one else in your life, is there?”

My statement comes out between gritted teeth and thankfully she shakes her head and licks her bottom lip.

“No one. Truth? I’ve never been with anyone.” Her eyes lock to mine, looking for my reaction. Her eyelashes flutter over those wild green eyes that see into my soul.

“I’m honored beyond words, Little Wolf.” The words tug at my heart and catch in my throat.

Relief washes over me, and I begin to tear at her clothes. A possessive beast replaces the Lock that came before this moment. Knowing no one has had her in the way I will only serves to secure our futures together. I will take her. No one else will ever know her the way I do, and it gives my life a purpose I didn’t know until right now.

She stares up as I strip her of the cold damp fabric. Raising her legs, I pull her jeans down, turning them inside out as they go. When she’s down to her white bra and panties I stand over her, looking down and admiring what’s about to be mine.

All mine.

“Beautiful doesn’t begin to be sufficient.” I manage, pulling my shirt off and tossing it into the pile of her clothes. “Looking at you, I feel everything I’ve been missing in my life. Like I’ve been chasing you for so long, Teah. Chasing us.”

I can’t believe this is really happening. Every word shocks me and feels more authentic than any song I’ve ever written. Any lines in a movie I’ve recited.

I’ve felt so alone for so long. All the days of being surrounded by people who only wanted something from me evaporate, and all I feel coming from Teah is love.



Love. I feel loved.

“Take your panties off.” My voice hardens as the need races through me.

She does as I ask, lifting her ass and wiggling the damp panties down her legs, kicking them off the edge of the bed onto the wood floor under my feet.

“Good girl.” I reach down and trace a single finger from her lips, down between her tits, over the soft mound of her sweet belly and stopping just above her slit, feeling the small patch of dark curls under my finger. “Now your bra.”

I keep my eyes trained on hers as her mouth opens and her arms bend, and she lifts her back to comply. A moment later the last of any fabric keeping her from me is gone and I choke back the moan that catches in my throat.

She’s wet. I glance down and see it glistening on her bare lips. Her nipples are a dark pink, hard and tight, making my mouth water.

Her body is perfection. Her tits would fill both of my hands and my mouth, full and womanly in contrast to the sweet cheeks and innocent eyes I see looking back at me.

When her tongue comes out to glance on her lips, her knees fall open to display more of the damp pink slit that has me ready to come undone.

“I’m going to kiss you there, you know that, don’t you? That’s why you are showing yourself to me isn’t it, Teah? You want my mouth on you. You want my tongue slipping inside of you.”

Her lips fall open on a sigh and her hands drift down to settle on her belly, her dark hair in a wild swirl above her head.

She nods as I pull my shirt off, kick my boots to the wall and hear them thud and tumble with the force.

“I want you to kiss me everywhere.” Her tiny voice dances in my ears as my eyes stay fixed on her cunt.

“And I will. Over and over. There is not a part of you I won’t taste. Now spread your legs, I want to make you feel so good, Little Wolf.” The name slips out for the second time, and I see in her green eyes that it strikes her somewhere deep.

I lower my mouth to just above where I see her folds and clit poking out and draw a deep breath as I loop my hands around her thighs, pulling her open wider for me.

When my mouth connects, her slick flavor filling my mouth, I moan and slide my tongue up and down. I memorize every texture and fold before slowly pushing the tip inside her opening, feeling her nectar slide down my throat as I swallow, wanting that part of her inside me, making her mine.

I drag her ass up and off the bed, pulling her harder into my mouth as I tongue fuck her and listen to the amazing sounds she makes as her body stiffens, then shakes as she releases the first of what will be millions of orgasms given by me over the rest of our lifetime.