Page 16 of Let Go

“It seems so.”

“Then everything is okay.”



God, I hate lying to her.

Telling her everything is okay when it’s so far from okay.

I guess the weight of what is going on in my life outside of this oasis with Teah was always bound to rear its ugly head. I may think I can just walk away and start this new life, this life I see with her, but the truth is I have so much going on I can’t just leave it all behind. There’s too many people that will suffer if I implode.

It doesn’t help that she’s spent the last half hour answering more of my questions about her life before she came here to Chaplain. She grew up with a loathing for exactly who I am. Rock star, actor, capitalist, wealthy…all those things spell distrust to her and her family and I’m not sure how I can erase my past enough to be the man she could live with.

Still, whatever this is between us, I know I can’t walk away. I’ll do anything to figure it out. I’ll leave who I am behind if I can just figure out how.

“That enough to eat for you?” I brush her hair back behind her ear and she pushes the last bite of her sandwich between her lips and nods. She’s wearing one of my white T-shirts and nothing else. Her face is natural and glowing. Nipples pressing out on the thin fabric, calling for me to taste them.

Her tongue darts out to lick a bit of strawberry jelly from the corner of her lips and my cock twitches.

Unable to hold myself back, I bring my hands to her neck, slipping them behind and upward to take her hair between my fingers as I think of all the places I want to feel her lips on me. Her scent is swirling around us, making me crazed. She smells like rose petals and a fresh breeze as her full lips curve and she flashes me the sweetest fucking smile.

“I think you should kiss me.” She winks and the control I’ve been fighting to hold onto slips away.

“I think you’re right.”

She moans as our mouths crash together and my tongue slips inside her lips, finding hers and licking along its length to the tip. Desire overwhelms me and I feel cum leak out of the tip of my cock. Our kiss turns frantic then, and when we finally pull back we are both out of breath and it feels like a spring is wound too tight in my gut.

Teah presses her lips tight together and I see worry in her eyes.

“What’s wrong?”

“This all feels so right. But, I mean…” She trails off and her eyes fall to the floor.

“Baby, if you have any worries, any doubts or fears, you need to share that with me. I’m not a perfect man, I’ll screw up for sure, but I’ll always want to know what you’re feeling. Always want to know if I can help. If I’ve done something that hurt you. So, tell me what’s going on.”

I caress the back of her neck with my fingers until her green eyes slide upward again and meet mine.

“You could break my heart.” Her words are so honest they nearly break mine.

“You see that swamp out back there?” I tip my head toward the window, where just beyond the tree line is a wetland.

Teah glances out, then back at me and there’s confusion in her face as she nods, her hands coming up to hook over my forearms.

“I’ll be facedown in that swamp before that ever happens, Little Wolf. Your heart is mine to protect, not to break. I promise you. I can’t believe how I feel for you. It’s something I never dreamed could happen. Never understood before you. I’ll guard your heart with everything I have, Teah.”

There’s a moment of doubt in her face before it softens and she drops her hands, looping them around my waist as she presses her softness into me.

“Then, I’d like to continue with our kiss. And…” Innocence blushes on her cheeks before she finishes. “Maybe we could make use of that rug in front of the fire.”

I’ve got her off her feet in an instant, swinging her around as I step us toward the fireplace with her giggling and yelping. As I hold her, I press the length of my erection into her softness, making sure she feels the effect she has on me.

I set her feet down on the rug in front of the fire and step back, admiring what’s mine.

“Get that shirt off.” I order. “Then, hands on the mantel and legs open. I want to look at what’s mine.”

I step back and watch as she complies. Slowly, as she bites into her bottom lip, she exposes every inch of her creamy skin. Her soft curves. Her body is all woman, full and lush, while her face is pure and sweet. The contrast has my dick painfully thick under the fabric of my jeans.