“Are you asking me to marry you?”

Omar paused and his ears lifted in an almost smile, “No.” I felt my face fall and I lowered my gaze. He reached up and put a finger under my chin, “Anna, I am not asking you. I am telling you. You are mine and you know this fact. I’ve already decided to devote my life to you. There is no asking, no question of it. You will marry me; you and I will be together forever.”

I gaped at him, totally unable to process what was happening. Was I really abandoning all that I’d worked for my entire life? Was I really considering his words as gospel and truth? Was this really happening? “But, but…”

Omar cut off my stammering with a kiss, a gentle, lingering kiss and soon I found my hands at the back of his head, eagerly returning his kiss. It turned more passionate and he stood without his lips leaving mine, and he pushed me back onto the bed. “I must take you this instant.” He panted against my mouth.

I nodded and gasped as his hand found the waistband of my panties under my skirt, and he tugged them down around my thighs. He continued to kiss me as he hovered over my prone body and his finger trailed up between my thighs. He groaned and then he made that sound—the sound I was wholly tuned to; the sound that caused my insides to burst to life and my entire body hum in anticipation. It was a sound of such immense delight and need, and it caused my entire body to tighten and respond as if pre-programmed. My pussy flooded hotly and I struggled to spread my legs for him, the panties restraining my thighs.

I cried out and wiggled under him, “Omar, oh god, Omar. I need you so much.”

“Yes my goddess, yes. You are mine.” He said this as he departed and began to strip. “I will take you now; quickly we will satisfy this need. Later, this evening, I will take you properly.”

“Yes Omar.” I said through sharp inhales as I pushed my panties the rest of the way off my legs.

“Show me your breasts.” He ordered. I obeyed, unbuttoning my blouse and then quickly freeing my breasts. “Oh Anna, you are indeed the most lovely female in all of creation.” He said this as the last remnants of fabric fell from his body and he stood before me naked and jutting.

My body remembered the joy he’d brought to it six months previous, and it responded the same way now, preparing itself as I puddled hotly at my entrance. I felt myself open and heat in preparation for his ingress. I trembled and my abdominals tightened as he stalked towards me. His chin indicated that I slide fa

rther up the bed. I again obeyed immediately, pushing myself back up against the head of the bed. He followed, stalking up and over me, caging me between his arms and positioning himself between my thighs.

I spread for him. I opened as far as I could, and my clit throbbed at the top of my pussy. Omar slowed, or time stalled, I really don’t know for sure. He lowered his face to mine, and I felt his heavy, hot length as he rested it on my mound. Before he kissed me, and before all language ceased, he asked, “Will you marry me Anna? I love you like I’ve never another.”

Without any help, he rolled his hips and instantly found my soaked folds. He slid partially in and my heart stopped. I tried to breathe, but was unable. I kissed him back and muttered, mumbled, groaned and made so many sounds of agreement he laughed against my mouth. I was finally able to say, “Yes!”

He met my agreement with a passionate abandon that caused my first startling orgasm to rip up through my body. He slammed himself the remainder of the way into my core, slowly grinding into me. I came over and over as he stroked his heavy erection in and out of my wet pussy. When he came, both of us covered in a glistening layer of sweat, he did so in conjunction with another of my climaxes, and my vision again swirled and my hearing went wonky. I clung to him as he violently bucked in and out of me and we came together. My body milked him and for the few briefest moments I had no idea where I ended and he began. His heart was beating for both of us, and we were fused.


We fell asleep together, tangled in each other’s bodies. I felt safe and as if all of the first part of my life had been wasted because it hadn’t been spent with him. I guess it kind of was, even though I was only 25.

He must have been reading my thoughts because he just whispered, “Forever.”

“Yes, forever.”

We took a shower together, and wordlessly we touched and spoke through our skin and our hands. He gripped at my waist and often kissed me. His hand would migrate between my thighs, and he would stroke and rub at my sex, causing me to shiver and clench and grow ever wetter.

When we were drying off and I was trying to decide what to wear, he announced, “We are leaving tonight.”

I paused and wrinkled my nose, “For where?”

“I am taking you to my home in Dubai. There is political unrest in the outskirts and I must deal with some matters. I am unwilling to leave you again. You will accompany me and we will begin our lives.”

“What about school? I only have a few credits left.” I asked.

He waved his hand, “I will arrange for you to complete what you need from my palace in Dubai.” His tone breeched no argument, and I stood there contemplating his words.

I shrugged, “Okay.”

He smiled and dashed to kiss me tenderly. “You are an amazing woman Anna.”

I gathered my stuff and texted my mom and Julie, telling them both the same thing. Heading to Dubai with Omar. Not sure when I will be back. S

The rest of the next twenty four hours was a total blur. We left the conference that same afternoon and before I knew it, we were in the air, in a private luxury jet, and I was on my way to a mythological kingdom in the Middle East. I wasn’t concerned in the slightest because I felt so safe with Omar and his ever present battalion of men. I was in love and I’d jumped into the deep end with both feet.

The flight took half a day, over twelve hours, and after I was plied with more of that wonderful Whisky called Jura, I lazed around the plane until I got sleepy. Omar showed me the immense suite and massive bed, again dressed in the most expensive bedding on the planet. I looked for my pajamas and realized they were in a different bag and not with us. Omar grinned and told me to stay naked, and that from this day forward I was to sleep nude, always! It was another order. I shrugged and dropped my robe before sauntering seductively towards the suite at the back of the plane.

His growling rumble of approval was all the tonic I needed. I heard him rise and follow me, so I put on a good show and crawled up on the bed, still on my hands and knees, and I spread my legs and lowered my head to the bed, showing and exposing all my pinkest flesh. He made that sound. “You do not move Goddess. I wish to appreciate what is mine.”