He nodded and seemed a bit shocked that I wasn’t more excited, “You are in a different world now Anna, nothing will be as it was, nothing! I expect you to immerse yourself in my culture and learn eagerly about my people.” He tilted his head to the side and th

en in a less authoritative tone he added, “It would please me immensely if you did this for me.”

“Okay Omar.” I sighed and then got off his lap and went to the chair next to his. The servants began bringing in appetizers, and a tiny bit of wine was poured and offered to Omar for his approval, which he gave after a quick sniff and sip. Then I was offered a glass and they all departed.

“Will you be patient with me?” I asked and he looked at me in confusion. I explained, “I just left my life Omar. I just walked away from everything and everyone I’ve ever known. Yeah, I’m excited about this—about you and me,” I waved between us with my free hand, “I was serious when I said I feel like I stepped into a fairy tale, but that said, I think I might be in a bit of shock still.” I scowled at my lap for a second, “Omar, just be patient with me, there is going to be an assimilation time. That’s all.”

His face lit up with a tooth flashing smile, “Of course! There is no rush, I have infinite patience when it comes to you, and most of all, I want you to be happy, and comfortable, and I’d do everything in my power to offer you a stress free life.” He reached forward and picked up my hand, “Anna, for you I will do anything. Take as long as you need darling; just tell me how I can help.” His eyes sparkled, “Besides, I am anxious to participate in your assimilation—I want to show you my world—the entire planet is at our fingertips! To share this with you has brought new life to my heart.”

I batted my lashes and blushed, “You slay me Omar.”

He leaned back and sipped his wine and then picked up a puff pastry and stuck the entire thing in his mouth. It was the goofiest I’d ever seen him be, and it helped me not feel quite so out of place. I did the same and once I got the spinach filled delight all the way into my mouth, I found it difficult to chew. My cheeks puffed out like a squirrel and we both started laughing.

We spent what felt like hours eating and drinking and laughing. I told him some stories from my childhood and funny antidotes from a camping trip where we all got poison ivy. He told me about his favorite horse and again he talked about the oasis in Arabia that he wanted to take me too. As we sat there, feeling completely in love and as if we were in heaven, the moon slowly rose on the far horizon. It left a highway of brilliant shinning white down the middle of the vast ocean and to me it seemed as if a runway directly into the universe.

After we ate a meal of Lobster and the best filet steak I’d ever tasted, Omar pushed the button again on the walkie. A servant appeared and quickly ducked away after Omar barked a few words. Within seconds beautiful music began playing and Omar stood and stuck out his hand. I shook my head and muttered, “I can’t dance!”

“Nonsense!” He said and then pulled me up and out of my chair, “Think of it as the beginning to your training.” I sighed and whimpered, but did follow his feel as he enveloped me to his chest with a strong right arm behind my back. At first I was kind of stiff and he leaned down to my ear, ordering me in the most dominant tone ever.

“Relax Goddess. I will lead, I will always lead you. Follow my feel.” I tried but felt so awkward, “Anna, you will relax now.”

I took a deep breath and then obeyed him, giving up my stiffness and exchanging it for an odd hesitant yet pliable willingness I’d never felt before. Just give in, I continued to chant inside my head, and then before I knew it, we were dancing. Omar was at expert level and his assured way of taking me and leading me soon turned into me actually dancing and moving in ways I’d never thought possible. He turned me and dipped me and we swayed and circled to lilting melodies. My heart melted even more and my body became simply an extension of the mighty man directing me through the moonlit sky as if we were flying.

After we danced and then sat to catch our breaths, Omar winked at me, “Was love making on the list before we swam or after? Or was it both times?”

His easy way of being with me continued to make me giggle and blush and be overwhelmed with the intricacies of his immense personality. He was the most complicated and intriguing man I’d never met, and yet he continued to show me how accessible he was, how much he wanted to open and share and let me into the recesses of his life and his way of being, him, his heart, even his mind and thoughts, which I knew must have been filled with duties and obligations to his post and title.

I lifted one cheek, “I think it was on the list at least twice tonight.”

“Indeed, it was. Come to me now.” He suddenly ordered, and I rose up and obeyed him without a moment’s hesitation. “Strip. I need to see what is mine.” My heart ratcheted up inside my chest and my breaths caught. I only hesitated for a second and his growl that I comply was all the incentive I needed to obey.

I slowly unbuttoned my jeans and shimmied them off my hips. They fell to the floor with only a whisper of a sound. Omar had his fingers steepled and I could see how his breathing had also changed. I pulled off my tee shirt next, and since I didn’t have on a bra, I was suddenly naked except for the black lace panties. I delicately stepped out of the pile of denim at my ankles and then I faced him and very slowly slid the panties over my hips. When I looked back up at him I could see his appreciation as his slacks bulged and tented, attempting to contain the straining length of his manhood.

“Turn.” He ordered. I did. “Stop,” he said. I did, blushing because now he was staring at my ass. I peeked over my shoulder and saw him unbutton, unzip and open the fly of his pants. He didn’t have on his customary tight boxer shorts, so his cock sprung free as if it were on a spring. He danced his fingers up his own length and my knees responded by shaking.

He stood and fluidly dropped his shirt to the ground and then stepped free of his pants as he took the two steps necessary to reach me. He didn’t touch me, at least not with his hands. He did rub the engorged and bulging crown of his cock against the softest part of my butt cheek, around and across, rubbing himself and pushing into me, rotating it around and skidding across my skin. I went to move, to turn around and to touch him; I was aching to touch him. He gave me a look and then pushed between my shoulder blades, indicating I bend over and fold at the waist.

I followed the feel of his hand on my back, and I bent. That same hand, trailed up between my legs and I knew his fingers came away soaked with my desire. He made that sound. I quivered and bent lower. The tip of his cock followed where his fingers had just been, and he spent long, drawn out moments tracing himself over and around all my soaked folds.

Where we were eating was carpeted in the plushest, and I was soon to discover, softest stuff on the planet. Omar stepped back and I waited. His voice seemed strained, like he was forcing himself to go slowly, “Too your knees goddess, show me what is mine.” I obeyed and went down to my hands and knees. He widened my stance with a bare foot between my legs until I was splayed. “Forehead to floor, arms at sides, present yourself to me.”

I was now a quivering pile of useless girl and I couldn’t stop the full body shaking as I followed his orders the best I could. His big hand went between my shoulder blades again and he flattened my upper torso to the carpet. Then his hands gripped my hips and he rotated them until my back arched. The cool air of the room swept across my already wet bottom and I knew he could see every spec of my most private parts.

He made that sound though, and he growled and I could hear his hand as he stroked himself. I waited. He finally sunk down to his knees and came to me, holding my hips and taking his time as he entered my body. The air left my lungs in staccato rhythm as he took more and more of me, stretching me, filling me, invading me from behind.

He leaned over my back and pulled my hair, dragging my head backwards until he whispered in my ear, “Your pink flesh belongs around my cock, always at my disposal.” He glided in and out of me and then took a final hard thrust and seated his entire length deeply into my body. His hand on my hip shook and I could feel how affected he was, “You are hot honey on my tongue. You are mine, Anna.”

I orgasmed. It startled me and I cried out. He held my hair tighter and

he thrust himself harder and faster as he felt my insides writhe and spasm around the massive intrusion of him inside me. It wasn’t just the physical that did it either, something about his words and that feeling he owned me, which oddly enough I guess I really liked. I whimpered, “Yours.”

“Good girl.”


We didn’t swim that night. We actually didn’t do anything other than sleep and make love all night long. Omar took complete control of my entire body, commanding me, holding me, pinning me, taking his time and then pumping me so hard I remained in a drunken state of sex induced euphoria. I drifted in and out of consciousness when my body would seize and then burst apart into a million pieces. Then I would crawl out of my groggy, hazy pit of bliss only to find I was near the brink yet again.

Now that Omar was moderately drained from the marathon sex, his control was otherworldly and I voiced my concern that he’d stayed hard all night. He told me he’d never felt better and wished to stayed joined to me for as many hours as possible. “You are my addiction and I will stay in your body until my last breath.” He’d grunted as he bit my shoulder and took me from behind yet again.