‘What?’ And then she saw the laughter in his eyes.

‘Did I say ponies?’ Nero murmured.

‘You know you did. Nero—stop,’ she begged him as his kisses migrated from her mouth to her neck and from her neck to her breast. ‘We’re not alone.’

‘When in Rome…’ he murmured, clasping her to him.

‘But the women in the shop…’

‘Have seen it all before.’

‘We can’t.’

‘No, you’re right,’ Nero agreed, leaving her weak and trembling as he removed his hand. ‘We may need some time, so I’m going to make you wait until we get back to the hotel. All those years of work and no play have made Bella a very naughty girl indeed.’

‘And you, of course, are absolutely innocent,’ she commented wryly.

‘No, chica,’ Nero murmured against her mouth, ‘I’m a very bad man indeed.’

All Bella could hear was the beating of her heart. ‘Yes, yes…Yes!’ she agreed in a heated whisper, ‘Promise we can keep it that way…’