She groaned inwardly. What a dull companion he must think her. ‘I’ll take some shots for the prince,’ she said, finding her phone.

‘I trust your report will be favourable?’

‘How could it not be when you’ve thought of everything—even fire extinguishers.’

‘You won’t need one,’ Nero murmured under his breath.

The Ice Maiden had never regretted her tag more—and thi

s time there was plenty of room for her to pass Nero at the door without touching him. He was standing well clear.

‘Would you like to see the ponies we have chosen for you to look at?’

‘I’d love to.’

‘So you do trust our judgement?’

‘Ignacio’s reputation precedes him.’

‘As does mine, I have no doubt,’ Nero observed dryly as they walked along the dusty path together.

This time she thought it better to say nothing.


AS BELLA had expected, Nero and Ignacio had judged the ponies perfectly. ‘These will be a match made in heaven,’ she said, ‘and will give the kids loads of confidence.’ She was conscious of Nero brooding at her side and wondered what was on his mind.

‘We’d better go,’ he said, pulling his booted foot from the fence rail. ‘The first group of kids will be arriving soon, and I’ve no doubt you’ll want to settle them in.’

‘It’s you they’ll want to see,’ Bella pointed out. Whether he chose to accept it or not, Nero was a national hero. ‘It’s no secret that half the kids we’re expecting to join the scheme would have scoffed at the idea of leaving the city for the wilds of the pampas if there hadn’t been a certain attraction named Nero Caracas waiting here for them.’

‘Are you attempting to flatter me?’ Nero laughed. ‘I should warn you, I am immune to it.’

In the same way that familiarity bred contempt? Bella thought. ‘I’m merely stating a fact.’

‘Then allow me to reassure you,’ Nero murmured as they walked back to the hacienda side by side, ‘I’ll be with you every step of the way.’

Oh, good, Bella thought wryly as her glance crashed into Nero’s. ‘I’m sure the children will appreciate that.’

‘And you will too, I hope?’

The mocking note in Nero’s voice hadn’t escaped her. ‘That goes without saying,’ she said.

‘Your wish is my command, Bella.’

And if she believed that then she was well on her way to becoming a doormat. Nero would tolerate her involvement at Estancia Caracas for the sake of his scheme and the prince’s goodwill—and nothing more. She would have to work harder than she ever had in her life to make this work, Bella realised as Nero snapped his whip against his boots. At least she’d be too tired to dream about him at night. If brooding Nero intended to shadow her she would just have to act out a part—someone confident in her personal as well as her professional life—someone sophisticated who could handle Nero’s high-powered sex appeal and take it all in her stride. Someone else?

There was no one else. There was just Bella Wheeler, the Ice Maiden, and Nero Caracas, the Assassin. Oh, good.

They parted in the kitchen to shower and freshen up. When Nero came downstairs again it amused him to see María stuffing empanadas, the delicious little stuffed pastries, inside Bella’s mouth as she crossed the kitchen on her way out, and pressing even more pastries into her hands as she tried to get through the door. Someone had made a friend.

‘Sorry,’ Bella garbled, chewing down a mouthful as he left the house to join her.

‘Don’t apologise,’ he said, stealing a pastry from her hands. ‘Hmm, delicious,’ he agreed, smacking his hands together to get rid of the crumbs.

She risked a smile.

‘What are you wearing?’ he demanded.