Acceptable? Even Lucinda would be impressed.

The sitting room was light and bright, and all the furnishings were the best. There was even a glassed-in terrace that led on from the floor to ceiling windows so it appeared to be an extension of the room with its pots of chalk white flowers, and comfortable chairs and recliners.

‘I love it,’ she said sincerely, turning to smile her thanks at the duty manager. ‘Thank you so much.’ But how she was going to pay for it, Libby had no idea. Maybe if she paid Lucinda back monthly out of her wages –

‘Would you like me to show you the bedroom and the two bathrooms, Ms Lancaster?’ he asked with the utmost propriety while Lucaj stood discreetly back.

‘No, thank you.’ She wasn’t quite ready for that. ‘I’m sure I’ll find my way around, and I’ve taken up quite enough of your time already.’ She needed time alone to fret about how she was going to raise the first payment.

‘If there’s anything else, Ms Lancaster, please just ring this number and it will put you straight through to me.’

‘I’m sure I won’t need anything else,’ she said, noticing her hand was shaking a little as she accepted the manager’s card.

‘And to compensate for your distress at what was entirely our mistake, I hope you will accept this suite of rooms with the compliments of the Chatsfield Hotel.’

Libby’s relief was indescribable. ‘That’s extremely kind of you.’ Kind? The manager was lucky she didn’t throw her arms around him and kiss him.

‘I’ll bid you a good night to you, Ms Lancaster and –’

If Libby hadn’t turned at that precise moment she might have missed Lucaj holding up his hand to silence the manager. It was as if the two men knew each other.

So who was Lucaj? If only she’d had chance to read that magazine.

She managed to bite her tongue until the door closed behind the manager, and then she swung round and confronted Lucaj, ‘So…?’

‘So, what?’ he said, brow raised, bad-boy charm turned up to maximum. ‘Is something troubling you?’

‘You could say that. I did manage to read the headline on front cover of that magazine.’

‘But you haven’t read the article, or anything else about me?’

‘No. Should I have done?’

‘I think the article might tell you more about me than the headline, that’s all.’

‘‘Europe’s Most Wanted Man’?’ she quoted, raising a brow. ‘Do I need to read on?’

‘That all depends on whether you like to live safe, or love dangerously, I suppose,’ Lucaj remarked without a jot of remorse.

His smile was the slow-burning variety that tipped a vat of warm honey into Libby’s veins until she was scorching with heat from the blush of her burning cheeks to the tip of her uncomfortably cramped toes.

Chapter Four

Not only was she glancing at the door, she was backing her way towards it, Libby realised, stopping dead. This wasn’t very self-assured of her, was it? Not that she was feeling nervous now she was alone with Lucaj.


‘Read the magazine article,’ Lucaj suggested, shooting a glance at the plump sofa as if inviting her to sit there and read.

Judging the sofa was safe, she agreed. Skirting past Lucaj, she retrieved the magazine from her bag and sat down. She’d barely read the first paragraph before she stalled. ‘You must think me very stupid –’

‘No,’ Lucaj interrupted. ‘I think you’re a refreshing change.’

‘And I don’t get out much.’ She laughed. They both did. ‘And when I do –’

‘You’re too busy shepherding your friends to pay too much attention to the latest scandal to hit town – that’s where I come in.’

‘I leave scandalmongering to my friends,’ Libby agreed, ‘But I should have heard about this. And, how do you know about my friends, anyway?’