
She couldn’t reply. First, it took both her hands to encompass him, which was a pleasant, if gulp-inducing shock – though admittedly, she had small hands, but still…And second, she was composed entirely of sensation, so she couldn’t have second thoughts now unless she planned to expire with frustration. In his defence, Lucaj, who had his head thrown back and his eyes closed with an expression of supreme pleasure on his face, didn’t look as if he would be entering into any arguments with her just now.

Biting her lip, she slipped him just a little way in.

He pulled out.

‘Brute –’

‘Again?’ he suggested, growling this softly against her mouth.

‘How dare you smile at me like that?’ But she did as he said, and this time claimed a little more of him.

He pulled out again, while she faked a smile. ‘Brute?’ she said. ‘Did I really say brute? That doesn’t come close –’

‘You’re right,’ Lucaj agreed.

Oh… Oh… Oh…

‘How right you are,’ she managed to grind out before the speaking part of her brain closed down, leaving only sensation in its wake.

And then he paused again.

‘What?’ she demanded, frowning up at him.

Taking his weight on his powerful forearms, Lucaj dipped his head to whisper wickedly against her ear, ‘I don’t want you to think I’m rushing you.’

‘No chance of that,’ she promised, closing her eyes to savour the sensation of being completely filled by Lucaj.

‘Tell me when,’ he warned.

‘You’re asking me to instruct you?’

‘I could be your slave for the night?’ he suggested.

‘Sounds good to me – so, here’s my first command for you. Actions speak louder than words.’

‘That’s an observation, not a command.’

‘I haven’t got time to argue the point with you –’

Fortunately, neither had Lucaj.

How could this feel so right, so normal? Libby felt as if she was floating on an erotic cloud so high and fuzzy, she never wanted to come down. How could Lucaj know exactly what she wanted, needed – ’

‘Now, that was very greedy of you,’ he rebuked with amusement in his voice, when she finally quietened and it was possible to hear him.

‘You make me greedy,’ she complained softly, stroking his arms.

‘And your next command?’

‘Make me greedy again.’

Lucaj didn’t disappoint. He did this thing – pulling right back, then sinking slowly, and adding a delicious little massage at the end of each slow, deliberate stroke –

‘Now, that was unforgivable,’ he cautioned when she finally stopped screaming. ‘For that you have to ride me.’

‘Hey – who’s the slave here?’