‘Did I give you permission for that, Lucaj?’

‘No,’ he admitted. Libby hadn’t given the packet in his jeans permission to strain to the extent that it was threatening to burst his zip, either. ‘You have great breasts.’

‘And they’re real,’ she teased him.

‘I don’t doubt it, but I’d better check again, just to be sure.’

She huffed a soft, sexy laugh against his mouth as he put his plan into action. Libby’s sexual heat, coming from a girl who thought she was unattractive, lassoed him, and enclosed him, and kept him exactly where he wanted to be.

She gasped and moaned, before finally exclaiming, ‘Please stop teasing me, Lucaj. You’re driving me crazy –’

‘Good crazy or bad crazy?’ he whispered against her lips.

‘Good, of course!’ she exclaimed, her voice strangled with frustration.

Libby was right. He’d had it with holding back too. They both needed more than teasing now.

Chapter Six

Hot sex with a bad man was the last thing she had planned for tonight. Not so long ago she’d been tired and jaded. She had soon discovered it wasn’t possible to be tired or jaded with Lucaj around. Having located the zip at the back of her dress, he’d slid it down like a hot knife through butter, and once he pushed the dress off her shoulders and it floated to the ground to pool on the floor at her feet, the time to pretend this wasn’t going anywhere, was over.

‘What?’ she murmured when he went very still.

Lucaj’s eyes were black and slumberous as he studied her naked form. ‘You are so beautiful.’

She put her fingers to his lips. ‘You don’t need to say that. I don’t need to hear it.’

‘I disagree. I think you do. Who hurt you, Libby?’

‘That’s a bit blunt, isn’t it?’ She frowned. ‘No-one.’


She tensed and firmed her jaw, stubbornly refusing to argue with him, and so they stared at each other, neither prepared to back down, while heat sizzled and snapped between them. She was composed entirely of nerve-tingling energy, and was in no mood to fight Lucaj – at least, not with words.

‘Just because you’re not used to hearing something, doesn’t mean it isn’t true,’ he insisted. ‘And I won’t stop telling you that you’re beautiful, when it’s true.’

She laughed as he swept her into his arms. ‘Am I arguing?’

Lucaj carried her across the room and through the door leading into the bedroom. This was life-changing. She hadn’t so much as dipped her toe into the turbulent waters of romance since a bad experience with a man who found it impossible to decide if he wanted a girlfriend or a mother/PA to organise his life had decided Libby that romance wasn’t for her.

‘Why are you laughing?’ Lucaj demanded as he lowered her down on the bed.

‘You haven’t asked me to organise your sock drawer once.’

‘Not yet,’ he teased.

‘Not ever,’ she warned, catching hold of him.

‘Now, what?’ Lucaj demanded.

‘I was just thinking, you’re seriously overdressed. And remembering those photographs in the magazine…’

Shaking his head, Lucaj’s mouth tugged up in a grin. ‘If you insist.’

‘I do insist.’ She sighed with appreciation when Lucaj, who had no inhibitions, tugged his shirt out of the waistband of his jeans, opened a couple of buttons at the neck, and then reached back to tug it over his head, to reveal that torso in all its tanned and hard-muscled glory.

‘Why, Libby Lancaster, if I didn’t know you better –’