Glancing down, she hummed. ‘I don’t know, there seems plenty…’

‘Only because I’m with you.’ Dipping his head, he stared into her eyes. ‘That’s why I don’t need or want anyone else.’

‘What about when you’re married?’

‘I’ll want you twice as much.’

She looked at him aghast when he laughed. ‘But your wife,’ she choked out as all the old doubts reared up to taunt her. She was what Razi wanted in bed, but she had always known that when it came to choosing a bride it would have to be a diplomatic match for the good of the kingdom. What would that mean for her babies? She could be as determined as she liked, but she could never bear the pain of seeing another woman at Razi’s side.

‘I don’t want anyone else,’ Razi reassured her, staring into her eyes. ‘Why should I?’

She wasn’t listening. ‘I thought I could handle anything to be with you, but I can’t take my happiness at someone else’s expense—I could never do any of the things required of a mistress.’

‘Will you calm down?’ Razi demanded gently. ‘You’re upsetting the babies.’

‘You fight dirty,’ Lucy protested, only quietening when Razi wrapped his arms around her.

‘I never said I’d play fair.’

‘So what happens next?’

‘What happens next will be set down in law,’ he soothed her. ‘I will make you my wife so I can keep you working. Oh, yes, I’ll make you work,’ he said when she looked at him.

‘Wait, wait, wait—wind back a bit. Did you say wife?’

‘There’s plenty to stretch your talents here in Isla de Sinnebar—and I wouldn’t dream of wasting such a valuable resource.’

‘Razi,’ she cut in. ‘Are you teasing me or are you serious?’

‘Do I mean you’re going to work? Absolutely. Do I mean you’re going to be my wife? Yes—if you’ll have me?’

‘Oh, yes, yes, yes—I think I can safely assure you I’d be happy to accept both positions. But what about your people? They would never accept me—’

‘They already have.’

‘What? How can they? Please stop teasing me and explain.’

‘There’s no need to bore you with the detail—one day, maybe,’ he said softly. ‘Let’s just say they truly welcome you as their Queen. Oh, and did I mention how hard you’ll be working?’

‘You did say something,’ she agreed dryly, smiling into his eyes.

‘Along with being my first, my best, my only wife, and the only woman I will ever love for the rest of my life, you’re going to be in charge of all the royal catering facilities as well as the mother of two children. That should satisfy all your feminist inclinations and keep you out of mischief for the foreseeable future.’

She looked at him and for a long moment neither of them spoke. ‘So you really are serious?’ she said at last.

‘Of course I’m serious.’

‘We’re to be married…’

‘How could I let you go when I’ve watched you sleeping in my arms, when I’ve seen the dawn dust your skin with gold and watched your eyes light with love and happiness—’

‘And you’re a romantic?’

‘Of course.’ Razi’s face creased in the familiar smile. ‘How’s this? Even your shadow throws light.’

‘Hmm—not bad.’

‘Or this—I won’t let you go.’