“Until I give you permission to let go. You’re far too greedy, and I’ve been far too liberal with you.”

She made a sound of furious frustration. That was easy for him to say, but her body was sending frantic messages to her brain, demanding to be satisfied now. An equally powerful part of her mind urged her to listen to Diego. It said he knew what he was doing, and that she must pay attention to every word.

“The wait will be worth it,” he soothed as she moved restlessly in his embrace. Reaching for his clothes he set about protecting them both.

“There’s no need for that,” she said. “I’m clean.”

He looked at her. “How do you know I am?”

“If I trust you enough to be alone with you in the forest, I must trust you enough to tell me if there’s something I should know. And before you ask, precautions are second nature in a country where violence is commonplace.”

The shocked expression in his eyes was a sad indictment of where she’d come from, and they stared at each other in silence for a few moments before Diego brought her back into his arms.

He was the master of seduction, detached and cool, while she was running wild with need. There was no sign of the tenderness that had briefly warmed her. He was in charge now, and though she found his manner a turn-on, she wanted his warmth too. He promised sex beyond compare, but a little part of her, in complete defiance of her original plan, wanted more. But that was not the object of this exercise.

Diego needed sex. He enjoyed it. He’d honed his technique to the peak of eroticism. If she read anything more into what was happening between them, that was her problem. By this time tomorrow, she’d be far away. All that mattered was that he didn’t forget her. She had to make sure there was no chance of that.

“Don’t move,” he warned. “Remain quite still.”

She fixed her gaze on his. She couldn’t have moved if she’d wanted to. She was a willing captive in Diego’s erotic net. Moonlight surrounded his dark hair like a halo. She had never been so vulnerable before, nor had she felt so safe.

“I’m going to pleasure you. Open your legs wide,” he commanded softly. “Even more…”

She swallowed deep and did as he said.

“Hold your thighs apart for me.”

She did that too. “You like to watch,” she guessed.

“Yes, I do,” he confirmed. “I can anticipate your pleasure better that way, and I can watch it unfold.”

If this was a master class in sexual awakening, he couldn’t have had a more willing student.

Moving over her, Diego positioned himself between her thighs. His erection was formidable. She couldn’t stop looking at it. And anticipating the pleasure it could bring. Spread wide, she felt deliciously exposed and unbearably aroused. Her world was composed entirely of sensation. She gasped when he used his sharp black stubble to lightly abrade her inner thighs, but though his hot breath teased her, he intentionally missed the place she needed him most. When she couldn’t bear it any longer, she cried out with words she’d never used before, begging him to touch her, to fuck her, to bring her off as many times as he could, and, most importantly, to stop torturing her right now.

His answer was to torment the tender skin below her ear until she was shaking uncontrollably and rabid sexual heat was pounding through her veins.

Holding her still, he allowed the smooth, domed head of his cock to thrust impatiently against her belly, and then he brought it lower, but not low enough. She kept her thighs widely parted as instructed, and yet he ignored the fact. She gasped and moaned as his thick hair brushed her breasts. Her breasts felt heavy, but he wouldn’t touch them. Her nipples seemed to have a direct line to her core, but he neglected them too. When eventually he gave in and suckled on first one and then the other, her inner muscles clenched greedily. “Please, now,” she begged.

Raising his head to stare at her, he demanded, “What?” with infuriating calm. “What do you need me to do to you, Celina?”

“I need you to fuck me,” she practically yelled.

“I love to hear you talking dirty.”

“And I hate it when you tease me,” she replied. “What do I have to do?”

“You have to obey me.”

“I am. I will,” she insisted. “But I need this now.”

“You need me?” Diego asked steadily. “Or you need sex?”

“This— You— Both— I don’t know.” With each passing second, her plan fell apart a little more. She was supposed to be in control, not him. Sex was supposed to be a means to an end, a way to bind them together. Feelings were not supposed to enter into it. She had imagined this would be as straightforward as any other time in her life when she had been able to switch off all emotion, but Diego had played her and raised a fire inside her. It was as if he were the maestro and she an instrument bending to his will.

Thrusting her pelvis toward him, she held her breath, waiting. “Please,” she begged again.

That single word said in a soft, entreating tone seemed to unlock something in him. Hooking an arm beneath her thigh, he lifted her leg and rested it over his shoulder. “Beautiful,” he murmured, but then his expression hardened, proving once again that it would be a mistake to underestimate him. “Now tell me what you want.”