‘I don’t like surprises.’ But her options were zero. They had to speak at some point. Why not now? Surely two intelligent human beings could come to an amicable agreement?


Yes, because this wasn’t about either of them, but about their child, and with their histories Callie was prepared to bet that both of them would put that child first.

The passenger door closed with a soft clunk, enclosing Callie in a very different world. This was a world that only the super-rich could afford. It wasn’t the spicy warmth of the lemon groves, or the anodyne interior of a five-star hotel, but was so comfortable that it could easily muddle her mind. It was far too tempting to relax and not think of anything but getting to her destination, wherever that might be, safely and warmly. Soft classical music played in the background, while the scent of soft leather assailed her senses. In spite of all the warnings to self, she relaxed and drank it in.

This was the scent of money, she thought as Luca swung into the driver’s seat. He only added to her pleasure with his natural warmth, and the scent of warm clean man, laced with the light, exotic fragrance he always wore. He pressed a button and the engine purred. The sexy black car pulled effortlessly out into the flowing traffic. There were no brash noises, no sharp edges, nothing to alarm. The vehicle was precision engineering at its finest, rather like the workings of Luca’s mind.

He drove as smoothly and as skilfully as he did everything else. They were heading out of town, she noticed, towards the airport. She had some decisions to make, and had better make them fast. She had agreed to get in the car, but had she agreed to travel out of the country? The thought of seeing Luca on his home turf was an exciting prospect, but she was wary of being seduced into giving up her freedom. Even now she knew his true identity, he was still the most brutally handsome and desirable man. Her body ached and longed for him. Her mind told her they needed to talk. Her soul said they were meant to be together. On a far baser level, pregnancy had made her mad for sex, and there was only one answer to that.


THE ROYAL JET was waiting. On this occasion he would not be the pilot. He escorted Callie on board as if she were already his Princess. He understood her need for freedom. Theirs would be a marriage for practical reasons, tying neither of them down. Its sole purpose would be to provide Fabrizio with the longed-for heir. Would she agree to that proposal? Better this woman he cared for than some unknown princess from Michel’s list, and it would fulfil Callie’s wish for independence.

Callie would certainly agree to sex. Pheromones were threatening to drown him. Electricity wasn’t just snapping, it was threatening to bring down the national grid. Taking her by the wrist, he led her straight to the rear of the plane where his private quarters were located. He had given instructions that they were not to be disturbed under any circumstances, short of an aviation meltdown. They didn’t speak. They didn’t need to. Callie’s needs were flashing like neon signs. They’d talk later. Opening the door to his lavish suite, he ushered her inside.


‘Too much talking.’ She was still wearing high heels and her prim interview suit. ‘Keep the shoes on.’


‘You heard me. Take everything else off.’ She had the best legs on earth, elongated by the high-heeled shoes, and a figure to die for. The height of the heels thrust her hips forward in a way he found irresistible. Caging her with his arms either side of her face, and his fists planted against the door, he brushed his lips against hers for the sheer pleasure of hearing her moan.

‘All my clothes?’ she asked, snatching a breath.


Erotic heat clouded her eyes. ‘You haven’t told me where you’re taking me.’

‘You’re going to love the surprise.’

‘Let me decide,’ she insisted. ‘Tell me, then I’ll take my clothes off.’

She was teasing him?

‘You don’t play fair,’ she gasped as he pressed his body against hers.

‘Have you only just noticed?’

Rolling his hips, he rubbed his body against her while she groaned. When he pulled back she moved frantically towards him in an attempt to repeat the contact. The jet engines whined into life right on cue. The aircraft was ready for take-off. Any time soon there would be the most enormous thrust and they’d take to the sky. ‘You’re overdressed,’ he commented.

‘Why couldn’t we talk in Blackpool?’ she asked, playing for time, he guessed.

‘In a hotel, somewhere anonymous and clinical? Wouldn’t you rather be here?’

She gasped as he found her. ‘I can’t.’

‘I think you’ll find you can.’ He dropped a kiss on her shoulder.

‘Who lives like this?’ she said, staring past him at the designer-led living quarters on board his state-of-the-art jet.

‘Stop trying to distract yourself and enjoy.’

‘No. I can’t. I can’t...’

‘You must. I insist.’ Using his tongue to tease his way into her mouth, he deepened the kiss and pressed her back against the door. Every inch of her felt amazing. Had he really thought he knew how much he’d missed her, missed this? He didn’t have a clue. Using his thigh to edge her legs apart, he finished what he’d started. She went quite still and then cried out repeatedly. It was some time before she quietened.