‘My answer is no,’ he told her quietly, confirming her worst fears. ‘How can I let those kids see my scars? They’ll see nothing else—they won’t concentrate on the game, on my coaching—I’d hold them back.’

‘No, you wouldn’t.’

‘For the last time, Savannah, no coaching sessions.’

Seizing his hands, she stared into his eyes. ‘What if we brought other youngsters here—youngsters with disfigurements like yours—would you do it then? Would you bring everyone together so that no one was an outsider?’

She had silenced him and touched him as only Savannah could. ‘I’ll think about it,’ he promised, silencing her in the most effective way he could. ‘Now, will you be quiet?’ he demanded when he released her.

‘Of course I will,’ Savannah agreed, tipping her chin to stare lovingly at him. ‘The moment you agree.’


THE REST of the day passed in whirl of activity, with Savannah and Ethan falling naturally into the role of host and hostess. They were a good team, Savannah thought, smiling across the crowded club-house at Ethan. No, she’d got that wrong—they were an excellent team—but she must stop looking at him as if she had to convince herself he was really there. She was feeling more confident he would agree to a little coaching. Hadn’t he said as much when they were making love in the meadow? Or was it coaching her he’d had in mind? Time to pin him down, she decided as people started to drift off home.

When Ethan came to her he raised both her hands to his lips. Had the tender lover returned to her? She had to believe that was so. Conscious of her mother and father watching them from the other side of the room, she sighed with pleasure as Ethan brushed her cheeks with his lips.

‘It’s been a wonderful day, Savannah,’ he told her gently. ‘Thank you so much…’

‘It’s nothing,’ she murmured. She was still staring up at him, feeling like she could fly.

‘I want to thank you on behalf of everyone,’ he added, still holding her hands in his firm grip. ‘And I promise to give serious thought to your suggestion.’

But? She could hear a ‘but’. ‘Thank you, Ethan.’ Savannah’s smile faded. There was something wrong. She could see no answering warmth in Ethan’s eyes, just a rather detached interest. ‘You’re not going to take an active part, are you?’

‘I’m the patron, and I’ve already donated a large amount of money.’

‘I’m not talking about money, Ethan, the scheme needs you—hands-on you.’ There was something else, Savannah suspected—something Ethan hadn’t told her.

He released her hands. ‘Anything else at all, you only have to ask.’

‘I am asking. If everyone else can find time, why can’t you?’

‘You know why,’ Ethan said grimly.

No, she didn’t—and now he was being drawn away. She’d monopolised him too long, and all the people who had been waiting to say goodbye to him were jostling for his attention. She waited on tenterhooks until he was free again and then pounced. ‘Ethan, look at me.’ But there were more interruptions. How hard was it to do this in public when you were trying to capture the attention of the most important man in the room?

Ethan freed himself this next time. He’d seen her concern and he crossed the room to her side. ‘Tell me,’ he said.

‘Everyone needs your magic,’ she said. ‘Just look around you…’ There was a group of youngsters clustered round the team captain. They might be with one hero, but they were all looking at Ethan, the most formidable man in the room, with awe-struck stares. ‘They need you. Just a few hours of your time, Ethan. They rate you so highly.’

‘You know my position.’

‘No, I don’t!’ Savannah exclaimed. ‘Your scars? They know about your scars—they don’t even notice them. What else is holding you back?’

Ethan’s eyes narrowed. ‘What makes you think there’s anything else?’

‘I know you, Ethan.’

‘Enough,’ he said sharply, leaning close. Putting his arm out, Ethan rested his clenched fist against the wall so that Savannah’s face and his were shielded from the crowd. ‘I’ll do anything I can for these young people.’

‘Then give them your time. Or can’t you bear the thought of being on the same pitch as a bunch of enthusiastic amateurs? Aren’t they good enough for you, Ethan?’

He knew she was goading him, reaching deep, and that she didn’t believe it for one moment. ‘Savannah,’ he warned, his mouth almost brushing her lips now.

‘No, I won’t be quiet,’ she replied, confirming his thoughts. ‘You’re due a wake-up call.’

‘And who better to give it to me than you?’ He didn’t wait for her answer. Freeing the latch on the door behind her, he backed her through it holding on to her while he closed the door behind them, and then frogmarched her across the yard.