‘Then so will I,’ he said, giving his staff the night off.

‘I never thought I’d have the courage to sing in front of such a small group of people,’ Savannah admitted as they worked side by side, putting the room to rights.

‘You could certainly see the whites of their eyes,’ he agreed wryly.

But none of them had eyes as beautiful as Ethan’s, Savannah mused, keeping this thought in a warm little pocket close to her heart. ‘You gave me the courage to do it,’ she admitted.

‘Then I’m pleased if your short stay here has helped your confidence.’

Savannah didn’t hear any more. The warm little pocket shrivelled to nothing. She’d been trying to tell Ethan they were a great team, but it had fallen on deaf ears. And if that was all he thought this incredible time had meant to her she really was on a hiding to nothing. But at least she could stop worrying whether she had given away too much, singing her impassioned song to the moon, Savannah reflected sadly, for just as Ethan’s talent for inspiring people and for his art was wasted so was her love for him.

‘You were great tonight,’ he said, reclaiming her attention as he toed open the door to carry a tray to the kitchen. But just as her heart began to lift, he added, ‘I’m really glad we signed you, Savannah Ross.’

She was still flat when Ethan returned with the empty tray. ‘Well, have we finished?’ he said.

‘Looks like it,’ Savannah agreed, checking round. ‘What?’ she prompted when Ethan continued to look at her.

She would ignore that look of his. Memories of their love-making sent an electric current shooting through her body; she’d ignore that too. What she must do was leave the room. ‘Excuse me, please.’ She avoided Ethan’s gaze as she tried to move past him.

‘I thought you might want a nightcap.’ One step was all it took to block her way.

That was the cue for her willpower to strike. She wanted Ethan to make love to her one last time, though in her heart she knew sex would never be enough; she wanted more; she wanted all of him.

But, if sex was all they had, what then?


‘IT DOESN’T usually take you so long to decide, Savannah.’

True, Savannah accepted wryly. The way Ethan had pitched his voice, so low and sexy, was sending her desire for him into overdrive. ‘Water’s fine.’

What was she doing? So much for her intention to retire to bed and think chaste thoughts! She’d sold out for a glass of water, and now Ethan showed no signs of moving out of her way.

He wanted her. He loved her. Savannah had impressed him tonight in every way, but what he felt for her was so much more than pride in her achievements. She had filled his home with light and laughter, and he could never thank her enough for that. She’d worked as hard as any member of his staff to make his friends feel welcome. She’d mixed well with the men and had known where the boundaries lay and how to impose a few of her own without causing embarrassment. She’d told him more about the farm and her life there, and he only wished he’d had the chance to see it before their lives diverged. But at least she was leaving on a high note. He would never forget the way that men with battered faces had treated her like a favourite sister, and how much trouble she had gone to for them. And how she had looked so beautiful, and yet not once had flaunted her appeal. In fact, quite the opposite; she seemed totally unaware of it.

‘It was a great night, Ethan; let’s not spoil it now.’

‘Spoil it?’ he queried.

‘You know I have to go tomorrow.’

So let’s not draw this out, she was telling him. And, yes, he should let her go. ‘It was a very good night,’ he agreed, fighting back passion. But there were forces inside him that overruled his modern take on the situation. She was his. He wanted her. He loved this woman. The desire to possess Savannah overwhelmed him, and as she sensed the change in him and her eyes darkened he dragged her into his arms.

This was wrong. This was fool’s gold. This was also the only thing on earth she wanted right now. She put up a token resistance, pressing her hands against Ethan’s chest, but as she stared into his eyes and he murmured something decidedly erotic she gave in. Ethan understood the needs of her body and how to turn her on in every way there was. He knew how to extend her pleasure until she was mad with it, mad for him, and now all expectations of sleeping alone and dreaming chaste thoughts were gone. She groaned softly as he teased her with his lips, and with his tongue and teeth, reminding her of what came next. He felt so hard, toned and warm as his hands found her breasts. And he tasted of warm, hungry man—clean, so good, and so very familiar. And she’d missed him in the few hours they’d been apart.

But she shouldn’t…They mustn’t…

Her hips were already tilting, thrusting, inviting, while Ethan was backing her relentlessly towards the door. She waited until he slipped the lock before lacing her fingers through his thick dark hair and making him her prisoner. ‘Shall we be captives here for long?’

‘As long as it takes,’ he promised huskily.

And as he brushed her lips with his mouth, and she sighed and melted, she murmured, ‘Kiss me.’

‘Since when do I have to be prompted?’

Since never. Savannah purred with desire, and then gasped as Ethan swept her into his arms and carried her across the room. ‘What do you think you’re doing?’ she murmured as he laid her down on the rug.

‘A nice, soft rug is so much kinder than a table, don’t you think?’