Page 17 of Claiming Holly

“Well, Sophie Girl, I think it’s time for us to get home and get to bed. You want to be rested for your big day with Rachel tomorrow.”

“I am ready, Mommy.” She turned to Rachel and gave her a big five, then turned to Bryant. When he went to give her a high five, she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him fiercely.

“Thank you so much, Bryant,” she whispered, then turned to me and said something that shocked me to my core.

“I like him, Mommy. He can stay.”

“Sweetheart, Bryant can’t stay here. He has his own house.”

“No, Mommy. I saw him kiss you. He can stay and be a part of our family. Like Mrs. Miller. And since he is a part of our family, that means Rachel can be too.” In that moment, I realized that as much as I wanted Bryant Sommers, I had to be careful because I still didn’t know how much he wanted me.

Chapter Ten


The next day felt like an early Christmas, an extravagant, out-of-control one. Starting at eight in the morning, presents in one form or another started getting delivered to my apartment.

At eight, I answered the door to a huge bouquet of daisies with chocolate croissants, a delicious cup of coffee for Mrs. Miller and me, and hot chocolate for Sophie. Then at twelve, lunch showed up. I had no idea how Bryant found out what Mrs. Miller’s and Sophie’s favorite dishes were, but there was seafood linguine, lasagna, and spaghetti.

At half-past four, Rachel arrived with dinner. As I was about to close the door behind her, she grabbed it and opened it wider.

“Oh no, not yet. I come bearing more gifts. Well, they are from Bryant, but I am a fantastic delivery girl.” She winked at me as a four-person entourage walked in, holding multiple bags.

“What is all of this?” I asked, not able to stop the smile forming on my lips. In my twenty-four years of life, I had never been treated like this. Bryant had made me feel special and very spoiled. The funny thing was, that cup of coffee this morning would have been enough to win me over.

“Bryant wanted you to be fully armed. This is your beauty team. Hair, makeup, manicurist, and wardrobe consultant.”

“Wow. Mommy, are you going to the Oscars?” I laughed at Sophie’s comment. It definitely felt like I was.

“I doubt they can make you prettier than you already are, but it’s nice to be pampered once in a while,” Rachel said as she took control and led the team into the bedroom.

After two hours of prepping and primping, Rachel held up a mirror for me. As I stared at my reflection, I felt like a princess about to go to meet my prince.


I waited all day. There was no productivity happening on Saturday other than thinking about Holly. The woman had me insane. I was so wrapped up in her, I couldn’t think about anything else. She made me happy. I woke up and wanted to turn and see here lying beside me. I wanted to go to sleep at night holding her in my arms.

I never thought I would want a woman. My mother ensured I had some serious trust issues when it came to the fairer sex. But Holly, she was nothing like my mother. She was kind, thoughtful, caring, compassionate, and beautiful inside and out. She was a fantastic mother. Seeing her with Sophie made me want kids of my own. Rachel even liked her, and she was just as protective of me as I was of her.

Holly made realize what happiness was. I wanted more days like the ones I had been having since she’d stepped into my life.

At six thirty on the dot, the doorbell rang, and I practically flew to answer it. I opened the door, and the sight before me was so spectacular, it took my breath away,


She stood there with her hair curled and her makeup perfect. She looked like she was going to the Oscars. She put any actress to shame with her stunning, radiant beauty.

“You look…” I couldn’t speak. I didn’t have the words to tell her what a vision she was. Instead, I grabbed her hand and pulled her toward me. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed those beautiful lips. My dick noticed how sexy she looked too. The second I touched her, it was as hard as steel.

“Oh wow, you are happy to see me,” she said with laughter in her voice.

“I can’t help it. You are so fucking sexy. I am hard around you all the time. If we don’t do something about it soon, I am going to die from blue balls.”

“Well, I’m here all night.”

“You hungry?’

“I’m okay for now. I just couldn’t wait to see you.”

“I think, tonight, we should start with dessert before we get to dinner. I have a pretty big craving for you.” Holly flushed bright red and cast her gaze down. I chuckled. For a woman so strong and independent, she blushed easily. She came off so tough, but really, she was soft and scared. I wanted her to know that there was nothing to be scared of with me.