Page 13 of Claiming Holly

Chapter Eight


“You’re stalking me now.” I was annoyed. In my contract, I had never once said that he could just do whatever he pleased.

“I heard the food here was good. Especially the spaghetti.”

“Bryant, let’s go eat. I am starving.” Stepping out of his car was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She was five ten, had long blond hair resembling spun gold, the most flawless skin, and these amazing ice-blue eyes. Instantly, I felt the air go out of me and defeat set in. I knew someone like Bryant couldn’t really be interested in someone like me. Looking at the woman on his arm, I was reminded again that he was out of my league. The blonde looked like she had stepped out of the pages of Vogue.

“Well, enjoy your lunch.” I ran off as fast as I could, the tears burning my eyes. I shouldn’t care. I shouldn’t feel anything, but I did and I hated myself for it. Bryant Sommers had managed to get under my skin, and I was stupid enough to leave my heart unprotected. When I got to my car, my hands were shaking so badly that I dropped my keys right into a puddle. I was about to get them when a hand grabbed me from behind. I turned around, and there was Bryant.

“Where are you—” He stopped mid-sentence. I wasn’t able to hold my tears at bay. They came cascading down my face. I must have looked horrible.

“Holly, what’s wrong? Why are you crying? Did you get the envelope? Was that not enough?”

“Is that all this is for you? A transaction? I told you before, I am not a damn prostitute. I have never been with someone in my entire life. Sure, I kissed a guy or two, but that was it. No man has ever touched me, and I allowed you to. I feel humiliated. Just let me leave, Bryant.” He crouched down and retrieved my keys from the puddle at my feet. He passed them to me, and for a moment, I saw regret in his eyes. Just as quickly as it appeared, it was replaced by defiance.

“You actually think you mean nothing to me? You think, out of any restaurant in the city, I would buy out this diner just because? Holly, I wanted to spend time with you.”

“Then why bring that Amazonian here?” I glanced at the entrance to the diner, where the blond girl looked at us with some sort of sadness in her eyes. “Listen, Bryant, just go back to your date. She is more your speed anyway.”

“What is that supposed to mean? More my speed?”

“Look at her. She is stunning. Look at you. You are so attractive, it hurts to look at you. I just don’t belong in this picture.”

Bryant grabbed me and turned me around to face him. His gaze bored into mine, and he looked angry, an emotion I had not seen on his face until that moment.

“You are like the sun. For your information, I bought out the restaurant because I wanted to see you, and you told me you were too busy. The woman over there is Rachel. If you are going to be in my life as much as I would like you to be, then you two need to know each other.”

“Is this some sort of open relationship thing? I am not interested in being a unicorn. I don’t share, and I am not into women.”

“Unicorn, huh?” A smile began to form on his face, and then he roared with laughter.

“Sweet Holly. I have never been with a woman in my damn life. Now that I’ve found you, I am not about to share you with anyone. You’re mine. Now, as for that girl over there… Come meet my little sister, Rachel.”

Little sister. Bryant wanted me to meet his sister. All my hurt and anger evaporated, and once again, I was hopeful.


I grabbed Holly’s hand and took her back to the entrance of the restaurant. Holding her hand felt like the most natural thing in the whole wide world. I’d made Trevor book the whole damn place because there was no way I wasn’t seeing her today. I also knew I wanted her to meet Rachel. So I called, paid ten thousand to the owner, and closed the place down. I left specific instructions he was not to let Holly Thompson know about the arrangement. I wanted to surprise her. I wanted her to feel special.

“Rachel, this is Holly. Holly, this is my kid sister, Rachel. I thought it would be nice for the three of us to grab lunch today.” Rachel wrapped her arms around Holly, and to my pleasure, Holly hugged her back.

“It’s so nice to finally meet you. Bryant has been going on and on about you. He has never mentioned a girl to me, ever. For the longest time, I thought he was too focused on his career, but I guess he was just waiting for you.”