Page 4 of Claiming Holly

“Whoa, whoa. I don’t know what you’re looking for, buddy, but I am not a hooker,” she blurted out, her voice slightly shaking as the blush rose to her beautiful face.

“I said you got my dick hard. I didn’t say anything about paying you for sex. Baby, when I get you naked, it’s going to be because you beg me for it, not because my manager gave you some money. The payment is for a job. The job requires the girl to look like someone men would want. You are definitely someone I want, and I never want anything.” I watched as she went from blushing to becoming full-on red.


Bryant Sommers was intense.

The way he leaned his body into mine was unsettling and had all my senses on high alert. His cologne was woodsy and made him smell all-man. I could feel his breath by my ear, and the heat rushing through me was unnerving. That was what he wanted…to make me come undone. His vulgar language should have turned me off. Any sane woman would be running away, but here I was, glued to the spot, his brutish nature arousing me. I didn’t even know that part of me worked anymore, but this man with his domineering nature had me all kinds of turned on.

“Well, Miss Thompson, if you’re interested, the position is yours. We can start immediately with the training. What are your hours like?”

“We need her in the evenings,” Bryant interrupted, his ice-blue gaze never leaving my face. He looked like a feral, hungry wolf who had finally found the perfect meal.

“I have commitments. I can’t be free in the evenings until after seven. I have dinner with my family.” At the word family, Bryant moved quickly away, as if being anywhere near me was abhorrent.

“She isn’t right. I changed my mind,” he stated abruptly as he walked over to the giant window in the office. I started to panic. I needed this money. I didn’t know what I said to make him change his mind.

“I can be free whenever. If you need me earlier, that isn’t a problem. I’m sorry. I just really like eating dinner with my daughter. It’s been just the two of us for four years, and dinner is something we always take time to do together.” I heard the tremor in my voice, and it disgusted me. Desperation poured out of my mouth like thick syrup. I felt my eyes start to form tears. Bryant turned and faced me, and after a second, started walking toward me, his gaze softening. I was sitting in a chair across from the desk, feeling nervous and worried and knowing I couldn’t screw this up when it was so close to being mine. He kneeled so he could be at eye level with me, and I felt shock move through my body. He lifted his finger and gently wiped the one tear that had managed to escape.

“After seven is fine.”

I couldn’t help but wonder what was with this guy, because his reactions were giving me whiplash.

“Oh, you have a daughter,” Trevor said, and I glanced over at him. “Maybe we can use her in this.”

“Absolutely not,” Bryant said firmly. “The kid stays out of this.”

When I heard his voice say those words, I felt a wave of relief wash over me, and my shoulders relaxed.

I don’t know what it was about this man, but he made me feel conflicting emotions, aroused and safe and a whole host of other things I had never felt before.

And that scared me most of all.

Chapter Three


The entire drive home, my mind kept wandering to my job interview. I hated to admit it, but I mostly thought about Bryant. He was a big man, but his domineering personality was what seemed to take up all the oxygen in the room. I doubted any girl could refuse that man. Bryant Sommers was the kind of person I didn’t imagine anyone dared say no to.

I was so confused by my reaction to him. One moment, I wanted to push him as far away from me as humanly possible, and in the next, I wanted him to kiss me. I couldn’t deny my attraction to him. I’d gone on a date here and there, but as soon as they found out I was a single mother, they rarely ever wanted a second date. So after a few of those busts, I decided to focus only on school and Sophie.

She was my reason for being, and any man who wanted to be in my life had to make her a priority. Bryant Sommers didn’t seem like the kind of man who was capable of putting anything before his own needs, however.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head against my apartment door. Tomorrow was the first day of this farce.