Page 21 of Claiming Holly

“You didn’t come across it when you Googled me? It’s not a secret. It was plastered all over the media. My father is Phillip Sommers.”

Now I knew exactly who his dad was. Philip Sommers had been one of the richest men in the world. One night, after catching his wife in bed with his best friend, he murdered them both in a rage and then shot himself in the head. My body tensed at the realization.

“I guess you have heard of him.”

I realized how my tense body must have seemed to Bryant. I didn’t want him to think my reaction was about him. I loved Bryant, so my rigid body was about feeling tremendous loss for him. I turned around so I could face him in the tub. I took his face in both my hands.

“If the actions of our parents determined what kind of person we would be, I would be a drug-addicted prostitute or a cruel pimp. That is what I came from, Bryant. I was glad to leave home at seventeen to escape them. I wanted a better life, I wanted to be a better person. Bryant, you are nothing like your parents. You are good, kind, and loving. You are an honorable man.”

“I love you,” Bryant whispered as he kissed my lips. Those three little words smashed all the barriers I had placed around my heart.

“I gave up on relationships. My mother was a selfish woman who wanted her own pleasure and didn’t think how it would impact anyone else. My father loved her so much that he was blind to the woman she really was. His love and his rage left my sister and me alone in the world. I decided at their funeral that I was going to be content alone. I didn’t want the poison that infected him to impact me. Then you came along with your radiance, kindness, and unconditional love, and I wanted you.” His words made me feel, for the first time in my life, like a happily ever after was possible.


The next morning, I woke up happy. Happiness was an odd feeling for me. Sure, I was generally content in life, but that morning, I was blissful. I turned and looked at Holly, her raven hair spread across my pillow, her sun-kissed skin a beautiful contrast against my stark-white sheets. She was my world, and there was nothing I wouldn’t do to keep her safe—and happy. She looked so peaceful sleeping there that I decided to take care of some business and allow her to get her rest. As I walked down the hall to my office, I turned on my phone and noticed I had five messages, all from Trevor. It must be important for him to blow up my phone like that. I sat at my desk and put him on speaker.

“Bryant, it’s about fucking time.”

“Yeah, well, it’s Sunday morning. What is the emergency?”

“You got the job. They saw you volunteering at the food bank, and they think you have team captain material. You don’t need to keep up this ruse with Holly anymore. It’s all over. We didn’t even have to wait until the new year. I knew inviting the press was a good idea. The little girl was a nice touch too. The reporter called her cute as a button.” Just as I was about to answer, I saw Holly at the door, her hand over her mouth and her eyes filled with tears. I didn’t even say goodbye to Trevor; I just hung up and walked over to Holly.

“Holly, that isn’t what it sounds like.”

“Really, Bryant? It sounds like you used me and my daughter for your own gain. Congratulations. I avoided being a whore like my mother until I met you. How could you? Is there nothing you wouldn’t do for your career? We had a plan.” Tears rolled down her face as she spoke. That was what scared me. She wasn’t angry; she was determined. I felt as if my world was turning upside down. The idea of losing Holly was unimaginable. I didn’t think I would survive it. She started throwing her clothing on and putting on her coat.

“Holly, it isn’t like that. Please let me explain.”

“Right now, Bryant, I just want to go home and be with my daughter.” And just like that, the love of my life walked out of my house.


When I got home, Rachel was in the kitchen making coffee, and Sophie was still asleep. I needed to collect myself before I saw my daughter. Rachel looked up and noticed me. She smiled, which faded as soon as she registered the sadness on my face.

“You okay, Holly?”

“Rachel, can you stay with Sophie for a few more hours? I thought I could come home, but I can’t do this right now.”