“Sarah?” Brock pulled her into his arms as she neared him. “Is everything okay?”

Her eyes locked with Cade’s as he pulled Marly into his arms. Hers narrowed, his crinkled with amusement.

“Fine,” she sighed. “I guess I’m going to the ranch.”

Brock’s hands tightened at her stomach and she felt the almost immediate swelling of his cock as he pressed against her back. She shivered at the feeling, her heart beating in a fierce, hard rhythm at his instantaneous arousal.

“I’ll call when we’re done here,” Josh promised. “I’ll pull Tate

in, see where he was this morning, how pissed he really is.”

Sarah lowered her head. She couldn’t believe Mark would do this. Despite the anger he had shown days ago, this just wasn’t like him.

“Come on.” Brock led her back to the jeep, opening the door for her and helping her inside.

Sarah sat still, watching him pull the seat belt across, leaning over to buckle it. He was hard, vibrating with arousal.

“Brock?” She whispered his name.

Slow, hesitant, he raised his head, his eyes meeting hers. She saw his fight to contain his pleasure, his anticipation.

“Yeah, Sarah?” he whispered back.

“Only you, Brock.” She fought her fear. She didn’t want him expecting what she couldn’t give. She didn’t want recriminations later.

Disappointment flashed in his eyes for a brief instant. She watched him fight it back, watched the smile that finally tipped his lips.

“Whatever you want, Sarah,” he promised her. “I’ll give you whatever you want.”

She took a deep breath, nodding sharply at his promise. She could ask no more of him.


Sarah hung her new clothes in Brock’s closet. Filmy dresses and soft skirt outfits for the most part. She put new underclothes in a drawer in his dresser and placed several pairs of shoes in the shoe port at the end of the large walk-in closet. She wore one of the new outfits. His begging had been pathetic. The skirt was filmy, soft and short. The sleeveless top she wore with it didn’t accommodate her bra. Thankfully, her breasts weren’t too large and they were firm and full.

She sighed deeply, staring around the masculine room with its heavy, dark furniture and the large four-poster bed. There was a sitting area at the far side of the large room. A couch, chair and corner entertainment center with a large television set in it. It lacked no comforts. The whole house lacked for no comforts, from what she had seen.

Large, airy, with high ceilings and wide windows, the house was beautifully arranged and comfortable. The bit Brock had showed her after their arrival left her gaping. The unassuming façade of the house did little to prepare a visitor for the beauty inside.

“Everything okay?” Brock stood in the doorway, lounging comfortably against the frame as he watched her.

He was aroused. He stayed aroused. Sarah wondered if other men were as virile, as sexual as Brock August. If they were, she hadn’t heard of them.

“Yeah.” She closed the closet door, facing him fully. “Everything’s put away. But I don’t intend to be here that long, Brock.”

“At least until it’s safe.” Determination thickened his voice.

Sarah sighed. She knew coming here would be a mistake. She stood still, watching him straighten from the doorway. He stepped into the room, closing the door carefully behind him. She felt her heart speed up in excitement. He hadn’t touched her all day and she knew from the look on his face that touching her now filled his mind.

She licked her lips nervously. He always made her nervous, made her too aware of her body, her femininity. Her thighs tensed, the bare flesh of her cunt becoming slick and warm within seconds. The quickening of her blood in her veins, the beat of her heart, she could feel it all in the empty portal awaiting him.

“You look good in that skirt, Sarah,” he whispered, not touching her, merely watching her.

He stepped close to her, almost touching, the warmth of his body searing her. Sarah swallowed, cleared her throat, her eyes trained on his hands. He unbuttoned his shirt with careful deliberation before shrugging it from his shoulders. He tossed it carelessly to the padded stool at the end of the bed.

She breathed in hard when his fingers went to the buttons of his jeans. They were dealt with efficiently, leaving the front open, the hard flesh of his cock rising from between the parted fabric.

Sarah felt her breath slow, her heart beat harsh and heavy in her chest. She laid her hand against the taut flesh of his abdomen, staring into his eyes as he watched her intently.