The only thing that had given her hope was the knowledge that Ian knew her. No matter her disguise, no matter her persona, he could see through it. It took more than a good eye to do that. And it took more than a good eye for a man to walk away from scratching his itch as he had the night when he slipped into her condo.
She had made him feel something that night. She knew she had. She had been watching his eyes at the same moment she had realized herself that Ian could touch her as no other man ever had.
"You're not answering me, Ian. Why would you help me even if I felt I didn't need your help?" Strike while they're weak. Jason had drilled that into her since she was ten years old, but somehow, she had a feeling he hadn't envisioned this situation.
She slid from her seat, lowered herself to the soft carpet of the floor between them, and wedged herself between his thighs.
And he hadn't expected that. But she hadn't expected it of herself either. Something softened that she hadn't known was hard inside her. She was a woman rather than an agent. A lover rather than a weapon. And the transition was so natural, so freeing, that for the first time in her life, she was beginning to wonder exactly who she was as well.
* * *
YOU'RE TOO QUIET NOW," SHE murmured, her hands sliding up the insides of his thighs then along his tight abs to his chest.
"I would have still tried to protect you." He swallowed, the movement tight, tense. As tight and tense as the muscles beneath her hand. And his eyes were warming, darkening.
"Why would you have done that, Ian? That's my question. Because you're a chauvinist, or because of something more?"
He surprised her when he reached out, trailing his fingers down her cheek, and said somberly, "I am a chauvinist, Kira. I need to protect you."
"And I need to be here with you, Ian." It was all she could do to keep her voice from shaking, her eyes from filling with tears. "I need to watch your back."
"What the hell am I going to do with you?" He pressed his forehead against hers as he framed her face with his hands and stared down at her as though confused by her. "I know what I'm doing here. I can work this better alone."
"And do without this?" Her lips touched his, smoothed over them before she allowed her tongue to peek between her lips and dampen the male curves. "Why should either of us do without, Ian? I can help you. And I can . . . satisfy you." Love you. Those words had almost escaped past her lips. They did send a surge of heat and fear rushing through her.
Did she love him? Was that why she couldn't let him go? Good Lord, when could something like that have happened?
"You can only distract me," he growled, but his lips were still whispering over hers. His tongue touched hers. His teeth caught her bottom lip and nipped erotically. She shouldn't have felt such pleasure from a simple caress, yet it streaked through her senses and sent heat curling through her womb.
"Only when you need to be distracted." Her hand curled around his neck, fingers sliding into his hair, holding him to her as her lips parted further beneath his.
Unfortunately, he didn't take the offered kiss or satisfy her need for his taste. One hand gripped her hair and pulled her head back enough for her to glimpse the knowing light in his eyes.
"I'm not such a pervert that you can distract me with sex in the limo, Kira," he assured her, amusement mixing with irritation. "And this was a serious conversation we were attempting to have."
"Since when?" She rolled her eyes in mocking exasperation. "All I'm hearing are warnings and dire threats. Chill out, Ian. I make a damned good partner if I say so myself. You should really consider yourself lucky to have me."
A frown jerked between his brows, but before he could speak the door beside him was pulled open. Before Kira could react herself, Ian pushed her back, jerked his weapon from his side, crouching in front of Kira, the barrel of the gun locked beneath Deke's chin.
"Protein," Deke wheezed, his tanned face paling. "Thought you knew we stopped."
Kira peeked over Ian's shoulder at the small covered silver tray. She could smell coffee and bacon and she was hoping against hope there were fluffy eggs under there as well.
Ian eased the gun back as she pushed past him, took the tray, and flashed Deke a smile.
"He's touchy, huh? I told him to chill out."
Deke cleared his throat. "Brought you breakfast as well, boss." He rubbed his neck as he pulled back, reached behind him, and accepted another tray. Leaning forward, he placed it in the seat across from Ian. After delivering the food he moved back quickly and closed the door. A few seconds later the vehicle restarted and was moving once again.
"She sat back, uncovered her tray, and inhaled in satisfaction when she saw the mound of fluffy scrambled eggs awaiting her. Coffee, no cream or sugar. A pile of bacon, two homemade biscuits, a dish of jam, and silverware.
"Almost like home," she murmured. "Why haven't I found this place during my visits here?"
"Veronick doesn't do breakfast for just anyone," Ian snapped. "Goddamn, Kira, you didn't even realize the fucking car had stopped."
Kira dug her fork into the fluffy eggs. "Of course I did. And so did you."