Damn it to hell!
She tucked the throbbing crest of his cock against the roof of her mouth and beneath it, her tongue undulated, rippled over the sensitive underside and sent spears of need slamming into his balls. His scrotum drew up hard and tight as the need for release had his cock swelling further in her mouth.
His hand landed on her rear again, then he cupped the blushing globe, caressed it, stroked it as he watched her eyes. The gray deepened, the bluish rings around it darkened. Witchy eyes. Seductive eyes. Eyes that threatened to trap his soul.
"Have you ever been taken here?" He let his fingers caress the narrow crevice between the taut mounds of her rear. "Have you knelt for a lover, Kira? Let him work that pretty ass open and fill it with his cock?"
She jerked. Her eyes dilated, and he knew she hadn't. No, it would have been giving control rather than taking it.
"Haven't you imagined what it would be like to be taken there?" His body tightened at the knowledge that this was an intimacy she hadn't shared with any other lover. His cock throbbed at the thought, clenching with the warning of impending release.
Insecurity flickered in her gaze.
"I bet you're tight here." He let his finger massage the hidden little entrance as it flexed beneath his touch. "Tight and hot. Would you scream for me? Would you beg me to fuck you harder there?"
Sweat formed on her brow as he pulled her hair back with his other hand and worked his cock against her rippling tongue. He was so close to coming it was all he could do to hold the hard ejaculations back.
As he pulled the long strands over her opposite shoulder, he let his fingers twine in them, tighten.
"Suck my dick. Don't just lick it. You know what I want."
Just as he knew what she was doing. Applying direct pressure to the most sensitive spot on the hard flesh, hoping to break his control. She cupped her fingers around his hard balls, massaged and eased farther back.
The next little slap to her rear was harder, hotter. "Don't fuck with me, baby," he said softly. "Not unless you want to face the consequences."
A frown worked at her brow even as her fingers slid back to his scrotum and her mouth began to work over the head of his cock.
His gaze flickered to her blushing butt as he laid a lighter little slap to it. Pleasure, a slow heated burn that would lead her across the threshold between pleasure and pain. "You're going to lift your sweet ass to me. Just a little higher, baby. Lift to me, so I can make it burn so good."
She moaned around his cock, her suckling mouth drawing on him deeper as her eyes seemed to glaze. But she did it. Pulled her knees in tighter and lifted to him.
Sweat dripped down his back as he fought to hold on to his control just a few more minutes. Just a little longer. He wanted her to come with him. He wanted her to know, in this instance, that he controlled her body, her response, and her orgasms.
He guided her mouth with his hand in her hair, pulling at the thick strands, his cock fucking her mouth as he delivered the little slaps to her ass, drawing closer to the saturated flesh of her bare pussy, making her burn. Inside and out.
She was weaker to this form of pleasure than she knew. He could see it on her expression as she tried to fight it, feel it in the suckling heat of her mouth as she tried to push him over the edge before he managed to push her across the threshold.
His. She belonged to him. He felt it in his soul; she defied him, challenged him with her eyes, pricked at his control with the fierce, heated draws of her mouth. She licked and consumed him until the need to breathe was pleasure and pain, until sweat coated his body and his lungs labored for oxygen.
Her moans echoed around his erection and filled his head, just as the sound of his hand meeting her ass began to match the moaning breaths.
"That ass is mine. That sweet pussy is mine." He laid his hand to her rear again and again, feeling her burn in the cries that surrounded his cock and seeing it in the darkening of her eyes.
She belonged to him.
Just a little more, he knew. He clenched his teeth, allowed his hand to fall harder, closer to her soaked pussy, brightening her flesh and throwing her past the boundary of pleasure and pain. To a place where the two merged. Where they blended in a chaotic storm of hunger and need.
"You're going to come for me, Kira." Her eyes were nearly black, her mouth tight, hungry, as she drew on him, taking him nearly to her throat now, her ass lifting for him, her moans urging him on.
"Feel it, kitten." He kept his voice low, grating. Working easily toward the blissful zone he knew he had drawn he
r into. A place where nothing mattered but the sensation, the burn of the pleasure and the coming release. "Feel how hot and wet you are." He laid a gentler though burning caress between her thighs. Once. Twice. Back to her ass. Then to the bare flesh of her pussy.
She was shaking now. Shuddering. And God help him, he couldn't hold back. He could feel the cum boiling in his balls, threatening to overflow.
"Come for me, Kira." He delivered a firmer tap against her pussy, then back to her ass. "Give me what I need, baby."
Back to her pussy. Once. Twice. He moved back to her ass then, the little slaps gaining in speed and strength until he felt her explode, heard her scream on his cock. His head fell back as he forced back a shout of release and filled her mouth with his come.