Ice was forming in Ian's soul now. This man, this fucking monster, was his father. A man who had just killed a fucking nineteen-year-old girl as though she were a diseased animal rather than a beautiful, vibrant young woman.
And he couldn't walk away. No matter how much he wanted to, no matter how badly he wanted away from the blood and death, he couldn't walk away. Not yet.
Ian clenched his teeth. His fingers tightened on the grip of the gun as a grimace contorted his features. "Stay the fuck out of this, Diego. Stay out. Or I walk."
He moved away from Diego, stalking out of the breakfast room.
Deke moved into the foyer, his expression somber as he gave Ian a short nod. Ian breathed in a heavy breath. Eleanor was in safe hands and being escorted to the plane by the same hands that would bury Liss's body. The only other agent Ian had been able to get into the Fuentes home would take care of her.
Stepping into the bright sunlight, Ian drew in a deep, cleansing breath, and swung his gaze to Kira's villa. God, he wished he had stayed in the bed with her. Wished he were wrapped around her lithe, softly scented body, holding her warmth close to him. And it was the worst thing he could wish for. He was the most dangerous thing she could have right now. And she was the one thing he couldn't allow himself.
DIEGO BREATHED A SIGH OF relief as the doors slammed behind Ian, leaving him and Saul alone in the breakfast room, the ramifications of his actions slamming into his brain.
He turned to Saul, his fists clenching, his muscles trembling, from the fear and fury inside his soul.
"A mistake," he whispered. "That was a horrible mistake I made."
"You must think first, Diego." Saul's face was pale as well. "You walk a very fine line with your son. Our rules that we see as so simple are not so simple to him."
Diego wiped his hand over his face and slumped in his chair once more, the food before him suddenly unappetizing.
"He would not have done it," he whispered. "My son, he would not have eliminated that threat."
"And had we heeded his warnings about the servants, then it would not have been necessary," Saul reminded him gently.
"I will make it up to him." He pushed his fingers through his hair, his chest aching, his heart heavy as he remembered the pure, unadulterated hatred that had glowed in his son's eyes. "How can I make this up to him, Saul?"
"Follow his wishes." Saul was shaken as well. "We will do as he says, yes, Diego?"
Diego stared back at him, agonized when a sad smile suddenly shaped his lips.
"Do you know, Diego, who your boy reminds me of?"
He shook his head, uncertain about the flash of affection in Saul's eyes. That old man cared for few people.
"Your father," he said gently. "A young, proud, hot-blooded Aquiles Fuentes. This is who he reminds me of."
Diego blinked at his father's old friend and tilted his head thoughtfully. Yes, he thought, a smile of remembrance creasing his face. Like his father, Aquiles. This was who Ian reminded him of as well. A strong, proud man. A warrior, an innovator. That was his son. Yes, perhaps Saul was right; for now at least, they would follow Ian's directions.
* * *
A week later Kira admitted to the real reason why she had followed Ian to Aruba, why she had decided to stick her admittedly curious nose into his business, and it was why she was ignoring his piercing gaze seven days later as she sat in one of the open lounge sections of the Fuentes club, Coronado's.
The club was one of the most popular on the island, filled with tourists and regulars, hard-driving music, and undercurrents of the shadowy world that existed within the center of the popular gathering spot. It was a hotbed of illegal practices and shady deals and Kira was sitting smack in the middle of Sorrell symathizers posing as Fuentes contacts.
Being here had nothing to do with protecting the DHS interests in keeping Diego Fuentes alive and upholding their agreement to allow him to escape capture and prosecution. She was here because of Ian. Because of what he made her feel, made her hunger for.
She flicked a look beneath her lashes in Ian's direction. She could feel his fury even across the distance of the booths separating them.
Of course, the fact that she was sitting with two of his own suppliers couldn't be comfortable for him. Or the fact that for the last few days, several of Sorrell's contacts had made a point to inform her that they knew of her association with the Fuentes cartel heir.
Sorrell knew she was aligned with Ian, and it appeared he believed the McClane heir could become an asset he could use.
"Kira, it was a surprise to see you here after your accident last year." Martin Missern, the beach boy weapons broker, smiled his most charming smile as icy blue eyes flicked over her bare legs revealed by the bronze stretch silk dress she wore. His gaze then lifted to the now barely noticeable scar close to her shoulder which was revealed by the thin strap that held her dress over her breasts. He and his brother had joined her without invitation based on an introduction made more than a year before.