But oh, it was so good. Her hips pressed down, driving his tongue deeper, feeling him lick. Sweet mercy, his tongue was curling inside her, dragging over the so-sensitive nerves there, and making her pant, making her beg for release.

"Ian, I swear, I'm going to make you pay," she cried, feeling perspiration coat her body as he shifted, his tongue retreated, only to curl around her clit.

He played there. Sucking the little button into his mouth, rolling it over his tongue, kissing it deep and hot. He blew against it, he moaned against it, and then he licked around it, next to it, close to it, but never enough. Never enough.

"Please . . . oh please, Ian, don't let me lose it." She was so close. So close she knew she was going to lose it. That she was going to be pushed to the point that it fizzled and left her with a violent ache that couldn't be satisfied.

Not again. Oh God, she couldn't bear it if Ian did that to her. If he brought her so close, only to push her past the point where she could come at all.

Her body was weird. Her sexuality was weird. It would kill her. She couldn't handle it.

"Ian, it's been years." She twisted in her bonds. "Oh God, it's been so long. Please. Don't let me lose this. I have to come. Please, Ian."

She was desperate. He kept licking around it, building it higher. She could only go so high, then, phfft, it was just over. A violent ache that lasted for days and no relief. She would kill. She swore she'd shoot him with his own gun.

Then two fingers slid into her pussy. Not just slid in, thrust in, filled her, fucked into her with deep, hard strokes as his mouth covered her clit, sucking and licking, right there.

She screamed into the pillow. She bucked and jerked, twisted and exploded with such force she swore she felt he

r mind dissolve. It was exploding, melting, heat was lashing at it and disintegrating it, as the most deliriously violent orgasm of her life ripped through her.

She was dying. She had never known why the French called it the "little death" until now. She was dying. Done in by the most exquisite orgasm in her sexual history, or so she thought.

Before she managed to come down, before the first agonizing shudders had finished with her, Ian, diabolical lover that he was, pushed her higher.

He slid from beneath her, his fingers retreating. A second later the iron-hard length of his cock was tunneling inside the gripping, spasming muscles of her pussy with hard, heavy thrusts.

Gripping the material of the curtains that bound her hands, Kira pulled herself up, her muscles tightening through her body as she tried to breathe. Just one good breath as the first orgasm continued to tremble through her body even as he lengthened it and built the next.

The feel of his thick erection working inside her as his hands gripped her hips, held her in place with dominant force, was her undoing. She had never been a submissive, either sexually or in life, but oh God, she could definitely see the benefits at this moment.

"Ian . . ."

"I'm here, Kira." His voice was so rough, guttural as he moved heavily behind her. "I have you, darlin'. I won't let go."

One hand cupped a breast, his fingers working her nipple as the other moved between her thighs, playing her clit with just the right amount of pressure.

It was violently sensitive, but he knew how to touch, how to stroke. Just as he knew how to fuck her. He didn't go easy on her. He made pleasure and pain combine, thrusting hard and deep inside her, flesh slapping together, their moans mingling.

She couldn't bear this. Kira wasn't certain when she realized the line she had just crossed, when she realized that pleasure and emotion were comingling. She knew she couldn't bear it. She knew it was too much, too soon. She wasn't ready for this.

She tightened in his arms, fighting to pull back, to hold on to that measure of control. She shifted, mind and body, pulled on her training, on what she had become. She would give him the illusion she gave everyone else.

"Oh, no you don't." He bit her shoulder. Bit her. Again. "Do you think it's that easy? That I'll let you draw back now? By God, I won't take the Chameleon. I'll have the woman."

"Please." She shook her head, her upper body falling back to the bed, leaving her rear up, her pussy open to him as he pounded inside her. "Ian. I'm . . ." She was what? Scared? Lost? "Please . . ."

"I have you, Kira." He came over her, his voice thick now as the sensations began to build to cataclysmic levels. She heard the restraint in him though, and ached for it. Heard the regret that shadowed the dominance she knew he was capable of displaying. "I'm right here. Just come for me, baby. Give it to me. Give it all to me."

She was helpless. Bound, both physically and mentally, and she knew it. She was lost.

When the second orgasm came, she didn't bother fighting it. She screamed, crashed, jerked in his arms, and felt the muscles of her pussy clench violently on the suddenly throbbing length of his cock.

He had thought to use a condom? At least he had a brain. She could hear his release in his shattered groan, in the jerky thrusts, the throb of his erection, but she didn't feel the wetness of his semen.

For a wild moment, she regretted that. Wanted it. For one impossible, insane moment, Kira wanted things she knew she should have never considered. Had never considered before in her life. She wanted more than just the sex. And she wanted more than the restraint that tightened his body despite his release.

She wanted all of him. She wanted to defy that hard-won control that held him back, that kept a tight rein on the obvious hungers he was denying himself. She wanted to challenge him and feel him meeting her head-on.