He withdrew slowly, his cock pulling free of her as Kira gasped at the loss of sensation.
She watched his face now. She had lost her control, lost the ability to hold any part of herself back. And he was losing his now. She could see it. In the racking shudder that flexed the muscles of his chest, the slight tremor in his hands as he jerked a condom from the nightstand by the bed, tore the foil package open and quickly sheathed himself.
His expression twisted as her hips lifted and she managed to drag the engorged cock head over the folds of her sex. She was dying for it. Dying for him. More of him. Now.
Thick, pulsing, his erection pushed inside her once again.
She could barely hold her eyes open, but she needed to watch him. Watch him because he refused to release her gaze. And she couldn't break it, no more than he could break the hold she had on him.
"I need . . ." She swallowed before biting her lip, her lashes drifting lower as he began to move inside her again. Slow and deep.
"I know what you need." His voice was rougher now. Harder.
Kira stared up at him, dazed, awash in a pleasure so deep, so intense, that she wanted it to last forever. She needed it to last forever. To never end.
Perspiration coated her body, sweat beaded on his forehead, ran in rivulets down the side of his face and the broad planes of his chest. She tracked the trails of moisture. Watched them run down his neck, his chest, to his hard abdomen and below.
Her gaze was caught by the below. The sight of his cock moving out of her, glistening slick and wet with her juices, the heavy veins prominent and throbbing before he pushed inside her again.
"Do you like seeing that, Kira?" His voice was strained. "Watching my dick take you? Do you know what it feels like? Like a white-hot vise wrapped around me, clenched on me."
The muscles of his thighs clenched as he retreated, sweat beading on the dark flesh as more of her cream flooded her pussy. She felt it as he pushed inside her, saw it as he retreated.
She lifted her eyes to his once again. She was lost in him. It was too late to hide, too late to control.
"I love you." The cry tore from her, the emotions taking her as hard, as desperately, as he was suddenly taking her.
His jaw was tight, his teeth gritting. And he was the one holding back. She was a part of him and he was sinking into her soul as surely as he was sinking into her body.
"I love you." Her eyes closed as the words tore from her one last time before the explosions of primal, agonizing pleasure began tearing through her.
She arched, bucked, the ecstasy too much to be borne, the intensity riding so sharply inside her that she felt it cut into her soul.
Ian snarled her name as he came over her, his hips moving hard and fast as he fucked her with maddening hunger. Rapture was a continuous explosion inside her now. Pleasure rode pain and for the first time in her life Kira knew what it meant to be touched to the soul as Ian gave one final, desperate thrust, stilled, his cock throbbing and pulsing, his release shuddering through his body as his arms moved beneath her to hold her to him.
He cradled her as the spasming tissue of her pussy held him. Tight. Gripping. His arms tightened around her, his head was buried in the pillow by her head, and he held her as though he would never let her go.
* * *
DAWN WAS EDGING OVER THE horizon as Ian stood on the balcony, coffee in hand, staring out at the land that surrounded the villa.
Unlike the Fuentes estate in Colombia, the villa and its grounds weren't surrounded by mountains and jungles. The terrain was flatter, with only a slight rise of hills around it spotted with massive boulders.
The balcony wasn't the most secure place to take his coffee, or to sit and reflect on things he would have been better prepared to deal with once this mission was over. But those thoughts refused to be extinguished. And they centered on the woman now sleeping the sleep of the exhausted in his bed.
He hadn't expected her to say she loved him. Of all the things he had expected when he broke down Kira's barriers, it hadn't been that commitment.
He ran his hand over his stubbled jaw before sipping at the coffee again and staring at the huge boulders and sheltering trees on the rise across from him.
It wasn't that he couldn't feel the eyes watching him, it was that he was beginning to accept that they were there. And he had bigger problems than the knowledge that Durango team was out there. Kira was a much bigger problem. She had lost her objectivity, and in a woman, that could be fatal. She wouldn't care about her own life from this point on, he knew that about her. If it came to saving him or watching him die to complete the mission, she would give her life for him.
He should have had her tied, gagged, and shipped to a secure location until this was finished. He could have gone on as he was, risking no life or soul but his own, and finished the mission, one way or the other. His life or Sorrell's and Diego's. He had made that vow to himself when they had rescued Nathan eight months before. When he had seen the shape his friend had been in, and had known his father was responsible.
He had promised Nathan their heads, and he fully intended to carry that promise out, no matter what. Even hi
s life. But not at the cost of Kira's.