"Finish your breakfast then we're leaving." His voice was harsh. He heard it, and he didn't regret it. He turned to Diego. "Do you understand the concept 'mine'?"

"Ian, this isn't necessary," Kira protested with a hint of amusement. "I'm certain your father understands we all have our little kinks."

His gaze flashed to her, the anger rising, burning, threatening his control. He turned back to Diego.

"Did you understand my question?"

Diego nodded slowly. "Yes, Ian. I understand. I will question her no further." There was a warning in his voice as well. "I understand that we must protect what belongs to us."

Ian rose from his chair, breakfast forgotten, coffee forgotten. His eyes locked with Diego's as he reached out his hand to Kira.

She was there instantly, her fingers twining with his, allowing him to pull her from her chair, to his side.

"We've wasted too much time," he said tightly. "We'll stop on the way and get you a snack."

"Protein?" she asked, her voice lower, hinting toward suggestive.

Ian couldn't damned well help it. His gaze almost jerked from Diego's in surprise and his cock definitely became highly interested.

"Definitely protein." He stared back at Diego, watching the other man's expression, the gleam of amusement in his black eyes, the way he relaxed, the aura of death sliding beneath the charm once again.

"We'll talk later tonight," he warned Diego quietly. "I promise you that."

He drew Kira from the room and met up with Deke and the others in the foyer.

"Deke, we need to swing around Palm Beach for coffee and breakfast to go for Kira. Duetch Veronick should work."

"Duetch Veronick." Deke nodded his dark head. "Gotcha, boss."

Ian looked down at her as he escorted her from the villa. Damn her. Kira had to have known what her little innuendo would do to him. Just as Diego was learning there truly were certain ways to work him. Both of them were going to find out, he knew how to work back.

As they stepped from the wide sheltered porch of the villa Ian handed Kira into the limousine before following her into the cool, leather interior.

She slid into the backward-facing seat, settling into the leather and crossing her legs gracefully as she laid her slender clutch beside her. Taking his seat opposite her, Ian stared back at her silently while Mendez closed the door behind them and the vehicle began to move out.

Ian laid his finger on the window control between the two seats, still staring at Kira as the blackened window glass rose between the two sections.

"That look in your eye could almost be arousing, if it weren't so calculating," she drawled, an accent flavoring her voice with a hint of Georgia nights and Southern Belle charm. "What are you thinking, Ian?" Her hands lay relaxed against her legs and her head was tilted to the side as she watched him thoughtfully.

"Drug deals. Arm deals. Blood and death." He smiled mockingly. "What else does a cartel owner think about?"

She licked her tongue over her already glistening lips and her gaze flickered before coming back to him questioningly.

"The vehicle is secure," he told her. "There are no listening devices. We're safe."

"How can you be sure? You didn't check the car when we got in."

Ian sighed before pushing his hand into his pocket and pulling the slender electronic detector from his pants. He flashed it to her before pushing it back.

It was the size of a cell phone, but the electronics it contained were sensitive to a variety of receivers.

She breathed out in regret. "You're not going to let me see that one either, are you?"

"It's an experimental model." He grinned. "But I'm open to negotiations. Answer some questions for me and I'll let you play with my toys."

He watched realization glimmer in her eyes a second before she shrugged her delicate shoulders. "I'll check it out when this is over. Uncle Jason will likely get me one for Christmas."

Ian nodded slowly. "How long has Jason been covert?"