As they neared the breakfast room, the houseman opened the double doors, standing back expressionlessly as Ian escorted Kira into the room.
He forced himself to relax, though his hand slid caressingly over Kira's hip, clenching on the curve in regret at the necessity of releasing her and a second later praying Diego hadn't noticed.
"Ian! My son." Diego came to his feet as they stepped into the room, a wide smile creasing his swarthy face, his black eyes gleeful as Ian pulled a chair out for Kira at the small glass-topped table before taking his own across from Diego.
"Good morning, Diego," he greeted the other man as he waved the timid maid forward to pour their coffee.
All the household help had been changed, but the rumors about Liss's death had made its rounds. They were all silent, wary.
"You did not properly introduce me to our guest, Ian." Discomfort colored Diego's voice, and sweet merciful Jesus, hurt feelings. A monster with feelings that could be hurt. That oxymoron was terrifying.
"Excuse me, Diego." He forced a sheepish smile to his face. "I find myself a bit nervous."
"Nervous, Ian?" Diego blinked back at him in surprise, his gaze softening as he swallowed the impression of Ian's discomfort.
Kira sat back in her chair and smirked as though she were enjoying the sight of Ian's discomfort.
"Kira." Ian cleared his throat. "Allow me to introduce my father." The word tore through his soul with a lash of fury so potent it nearly strangled him as Diego's eyes seemed to dampen. "Diego Fuentes. Diego, Miss Kira Porter."
"Ms. Porter." Pleasure transformed Diego's expression, rippling over it with a tight, hard spasm as he reached for Kira's hand. "It is a pleasure to know my son has managed to capture the interest of such a discriminating and beautiful young woman."
"Mr. Fuentes, I can see where Ian has come by his charm." Kira allowed Diego to hold her hand for only the briefest second before sliding it free and tucking it into her lap.
She stared back at the drug lord with a hint of reserve and wariness. There was no open friendliness. She wasn't hiding the fact that she was very well aware of who and what he was.
"Ah, she is a smart one as well, eh, my son?" Diego grinned as though he were a proud parent. It was enough to make a SEAL's spine crawl in horror.
"She is at that, Diego." He nodded to Kira as though in indulged amusement.
Diego took his chair once again, waved the maid to his coffee cup, and waited until she filled his cup.
"What would you like for breakfast, my dear?" Diego asked her. "We have a nice selection of fruits. Though our Ian does prefer his protein." He waved his hand to the buffet that sat along the wall.
"I like a bit of each." Kira eyed the buffet with hungry longing. "It's a good thing I have a high metabolism." Mocking amusement lit her expression and her eyes as she nodded to the maid who waited patiently. "The eggs, bacon, and one of those luscious-looking biscuits. I'll tackle the fruit after."
Diego's brows lifted at her request, even as she brought the strong, unsweetened coffee to her lips and sipped at it with enjoyment.
"Ah, a woman with an appetite," Diego murmured. "I believe the American magazine Society described you as 'today's woman.' One whose appetites clearly express the hungers of the modern woman."
Ian had read that article, and laughed. The society image was definitely not the true Kira Porter.
"Society insisted on discussing my eating habits rather than the topic we agreed to discuss: the charity work my uncle and myself were doing at that time."
Diego chuckled. "The editor claimed you were doing more to destroy the image of the glamorous socialite than those who had gone before you had done to uphold it. I thought it was clearly the mark of an intelligent, strong woman." Diego sat back in his chair at that point. "I believe the interview also touched upon drug use. Your stand on drugs was exceptionally strong. Your comments that those who trade
in the death and misery of the world should be drawn, quartered, and left for the maggots to feed upon." His voice remained warm, encouraging, his gaze curious.
"Diego," Ian said warningly. "Not exactly appetizing conversation for breakfast."
Diego's nostrils flared at the rebuke. "I would know why a woman with such views would lower herself to sleep with not just a drug cartel leader, but also a deserter. Tell me, Ms. Porter, why would you risk your reputation and your safety by sleeping with my son?"
"Mr. Fuentes, what Society didn't mention is that I am a woman. I choose who I care for. Not convention." She leaned forward, cutting Ian off before he could tear into his father. He paused, leaned back in his chair, and watched Kira instead.
Her expression was revealing now. This was the woman. His woman. That expression caused his erection to jerk in his slacks, the broad head to throb painfully now.
"You do not say?" Diego questioned curiously.
"But I do say." She sat back in her chair once again and flashed Ian a look shimmering with hunger. Damn her. She picked a hell of a time to give him that look. To allow him to glimpse the emotions she kept mostly hidden.