Diego softened marginally, the corner of his lips tugging up almost involuntarily.
"Do you think I offended your Miss Porter?" He suddenly frowned.
Ian shrugged. "I doubt it. She's a woman. She's probably used to grown men acting like asses." He barely held back the disgust in his voice.
"Ah. If she has been around you very long, then I have no doubt." Diego snorted.
Ian hid his surprise. Damn, the old man was developing some sharp teeth where he was concerned. It had taken much longer than Ian had expected.
"Don't doubt it." Ian grinned, genuinely amused this time. Kira had quite a bit of experience dealing with some of his less charming traits over the years.
Diego grunted at that before saying, "I had several phone calls before you arrived informing me of the confrontation with the Misserns over Miss Porter. It was reported that Martin Missern attempted to strike her?" Diego's black eyes narrowed in anger.
Ian crossed his arms over his chest. "And what else did your little spies tell you about it?"
"Damn you, Ian!" he burst out. "You live in a fishbowl, and you know this. All watch you. Did you not think before you reacted? Did you not know that there would be eyes watching to report how easily Ian Fuentes came unglued over the very delectable Miss Porter? The heir to the Mc-Clane fortune and the very dear niece of one of the world's most influential men?"
But no mention of Kira as the Chameleon, or her work as an agent.
No one knew of the work she did, and Ian intended to keep it that way.
"You have nothing to say?" Diego growled.
"Are you expecting me to defend my actions?" Ian asked curiously. "I realize you missed a lot of years in my upbringing, but I'm a little old for you to counsel me on how I deal with public threats to a woman I'm sleeping with. Don't you?"
Diego paused, his eyes narrowing further as his nostrils flared in ire.
"Josef Missern called just before your arrival to apologize for his brother's actions and to assure me that he alone will deal with the transaction in the morning."
Hell, he should have expected that.
"Fine." Ian shrugged. All the better. He would get the weapons he needed and Sorrell's spies could attest to the fact that Ian took his protection of Kira very seriously.
"You say fine, as though threatening to kill Martin Missern was of no importance?" He shot Ian a contemptuous look. "They will be watching for you now. They will put a bullet in the back of your head without warning. You should strike first—"
"Whoa! Are you suggesting I send men in to kill the Misserns because they might retaliate for my threats against them?" Ian laughed. "God love your heart, Diego. How have you managed to survive all these years if you're constantly killing people off like diseased animals?"
"Because what I kill are diseased animals," he snapped back. "Deny this. I dare you."
His uncles hadn't been diseased. Diego's younger brothers, their wives and children, had been murdered with merciless speed the moment Diego learned they were considering turning over evidence against the Fuentes cartel to the American and Colombian authorities.
Ian kept his mouth shut. He didn't care about Diego's excuses or the poor pitiful story the other man would no doubt relate. He just wanted this meeting finished.
He rubbed at the side of his nose before shoving his hands into his slacks and retaining eye contact with Diego.
"Is there a point to this?"
Diego sneered. "You are like a willful child."
"We established that my first month here. Should I have asked if there was a new point to this?"
"Take care of the Misserns," Diego warned him. "Do not give them the chance to strike out at you when you are not looking."
Ian pursed his lips thoughtfully. "I'll consider it."
Diego's eyes widened in surprise. "You will?"
"Of course." He shrugged. "When I meet with Josef tomorrow if he hasn't followed my security instructions to the letter than I'll blow his nasty little head off just like I do anyone else who pisses me off. Satisfied?"