Each jerking, shuddering ejaculation tore a throttled cry from his lips even as he plunged his fingers into the tight depths of her convulsing pussy to feel the release that flowed over his fingers.

She consumed him. Sucked the seed from his balls, and left him so damned weak he nearly collapsed over her. He caught his weight on the back of the seat, his breathing labored, jerky, as the final spurts of his semen filled her mouth.

As soon as he could think, move, Ian eased back from her, pulled his pants to his hips and found his seat before pulling her into his lap. He couldn't give her time to consider what had happened until he gave her body time to ease into the implications of it. Surrender to a woman like Kira was as much about pleasing the mind and the heart as it was about pleasing her body.

"I didn't like that." Her voice was husky, uncertain, as he tucked her head beneath his chin and let his hands caress the rippling shudders that raced through her body. "Not at all. And you call me kitten again, and I'll kill you in your sleep."

"I could tell you just hated it when you drenched my fingers with your orgasm," he mused with a smile. He kept his voice gentle, allowed her to hear and to feel his complete approval of her response.

She was silent as she lay against him then, her arms looped around his neck and holding tight to him.

"Don't do it again," she finally breathed out weakly.

A smile curled his lips and he bent his head over hers and held her to him. God, he loved holding her. Having her in his arms, soft as a sleepy kitten with its claws still extended.

"Maybe I'll do something different next time," he drawled, finding himself wondering at the amusement and sheer pleasure he felt in just this. Just holding her, teasing her.

"Maybe I will too." She nipped his jaw, but he felt her smile.

"You probably will." He pressed her head against him, his heart finally easing its frantic beat as he stared outside the Hummer.

She was a match for him, he had known that all along. Was that why he had avoided beginning a relationship with her? Kira would never stay home, safe and secure, while he fought, and he knew it now. She would always be at his back whether she was supposed to be or not and that was a frightening realization.

He hadn't been lying when he told her he was the worst chauvinist she would ever meet. He was. Protecting her was a part of who he was, ingrained in him during the years he had fought and nearly failed to protect his delicate mother. Women were to be protected, cherished, not placed in the front lines of a dirty, underground war.

"You have to be careful," he told her quietly, staring outside the Hummer rather than at her. "Diego won't hesitate to kill you if he feels threatened." Or if he felt she threatened Ian. That knowledge sliced at him.

"I'm trained in covert ops, Ian," she reminded him again. "I know what I'm doing."

He nodded slowly. He had to give her that. She had survived in the covert underworld for a decade now. A woman couldn't accomplish that unless she knew exactly what she was doing.

"Mistakes happen when emotions get involved," he told her quietly. And, boy, were his emotions involved. "Stay on guard. We're running out of time here. We are and Sorrell is as well. He needs the Fuentes connections to pull off the strike he has planned effectively. We need his identity to stop it. When things go from sugar to shit, and I know they will, I want you safe."

"As safe as you are?"

And that terrified him.

"Safer," he whispered. "I want you safer."

He tucked her against him once again and stared at the black partition that separated the back from the driver's area. They would be close to the villa now. The villa where Diego had no doubt already heard about the confrontation with the Misserns, as well as Kira.

The bastard had been desperate for Ian to find a woman. Not for any softer reasons such as his son's happiness. No, he needed a weakness he could exploit, and Ian knew it. And now, Ian held that weakness in his arms. One neither Diego nor Sorrell would hesitate to use if he gave them the chance.

KIRA WAS DECENT WHEN THE Hummer drew to a stop in front of the Fuentes villa. Her dress was no longer around her hips, and her hair was hastily smoothed out.

If only Ian's demeanor could be fixed as easily.

Five minutes from the villa and he had grown silent, cold. His clothes were restored and the icy façade was back in place. She was only now realizing how much she hated that façade.

As Deke opened the back door and helped her from the vehicle, the villa's front door opened, and Diego Fuentes leaned lazily against the entrance, his head tilted as he watched her curiously.

For a man in his fifties, nearing sixty, he was in excellent shape. His black hair was mostly gray now, his face lined, but his silk slacks and white shirt covered a body that was well toned. There was no doubt he took excellent care of himself.

And she could easily see now that Ian had taken some of his looks from his biological father. But she had already known that. The heavy brows, the strong slash of cheekbones, the sensual lips.

Ian moved past him, his fingers locked on Kira's arm as he pulled her into the foyer.

Diego's smile faltered. "We need to discuss a few things before you retire, Ian." Diego's voice sharpened as they passed him.