"Going legit, Fuentes?" McClane's voice was mocking.

"Legit?" Diego frowned. "The time has passed for that, my friend. Very much so. But perhaps it is time to face the future. No children, no grandchildren, no time to teach a child about the legacy being passed to him. Perhaps it is time to just let it go."

He didn't give McClane time to answer. He turned, pushed his hands into his pockets, and entered the lavish interior of the yacht before continuing to his room. It wouldn't take long to reach Colombia. A plane would be awaiting him and he would fly home where Saul waited for him.

To an empty, lonely estate.

Could anything be worse?

* * *


KIRA OPENED HER EYES, GROANED, and closed them again. She remembered. Oh hell yes, she remembered passing out like a wimp. And that was it.

She stared around the bedroom, the same bedroom she and Ian shared at the Fuentes villa. There was no broken glass here, no shattered windows or bullet-riddled furniture. Just her.

"You're awake."

Her eyes jerked to the doorway, to Ian as he stepped into the bedroom, then to Daniel and Durango team as they entered behind him.

She glanced at the cast on her wrist and the sunlight outside the room.

"How long was I out?" She hated passing out. Tehya was right, she was a pussy. It was the whole pain thing. She hated it, it just pissed her off, and if it was strong enough, caused her to pass out. It was pathetic.

"Close to ten hours." Ian sat on the bed beside her, reaching out to smooth her hair back from her cheek as she looked at the cast on her wrist once again.

Anything to keep from looking at Ian.

"Teyha's safe," Daniel told her from the bottom of the bed. "She's on her way to Fitzhugh's estate in France to allow the authorities, both French and American, into his private computers. With him and his legal son dead, she'll have to have a few DNA tests, but it will be relatively easy for her to claim his estate. And we need his files."

"He's dead?" She looked up at Ian in surprise.

"Tehya," he said simply. "He was distracted with you, he didn't see her step into the kitchen. She emptied the Glock in his chest."

A daughter had killed her father.

Had Ian killed his? She continued to stare up at him, the question in her eyes.

"It would appear DHS warned Diego months ago that he could end up tasting one of my bullets," he said coolly. "He escaped during the chaos. The last word we had on him was that his DHS handler was escorting him back to Colombia. They're revising his agreement with them. With any luck, he'll never torture another SEAL."

It didn't sit easy with him, she could see that, but she could also see the acceptance in his eyes.

"We're heading back downstairs," Reno announced then. "We have a carrier headed this way and a copter ready to escort us home. I should be home in time to wake my wife and newborn son with the news that Ian's home and all's well." He nodded to both of them. "Be ready to roll."

Durango team strolled from the bedroom, leaving her alone with Ian and Daniel.

"Jason's called me back, he even promised me a vacation." Daniel grimaced. "Can you hide the wrist until I collect my bonus? It's really not my fault you were hurt this time, Kira. And I'm telling you, Caroline is going to make me quit if Jason decides to bruise my face again."

She rolled her eyes at his pitiful, hangdog expression.

"Jason won't know about the wrist until you get your bonus," she promised, almost shaking her head at him. "But you really need to have a talk with Caroline, Daniel. Bodyguards get bruised sometimes."

"By the bad guys," he growled, disgust suddenly weighing heavily in his voice. "Not by the damned boss because the charge doesn't know how to keep her butt out of trouble."

She grinned at that, then glanced at Ian. He was no more amused than Daniel was. She cleared her throat, wrinkled her nose, then picked at the tattered, bloodstained material of her dress. Damn, it was ruined.

"Get on out of here, Daniel," Ian ordered him then. "You should have a few days before Jason gets a look at her. By then the bruises should be . . . Well, worse anyway."